Lucky. my pet cat. /*#*/ Lucky. His name is Pusi.

in photography •  7 years ago 

Pusi is the name I gave to my pet cat. My cat is a house cat. I have been taking care of her for several months, and her behavior is very diverse.

Pusi adalah nama yang saya berikan untuk kucing peliharaan saya. Kucing saya jenisnya kucing kampung. Sudah beberapa bulan saya memeliharanya, dan tingkah lakunya semakin beragam.
Maintaining a cat is one of the most exciting things for me. But there are also behaviors that make us confused.

Memelihara kucing adalah salah satu hal yang sangat menyenangkan bagi saya. Tapi ada juga tingkah lakunya yang membuat kita bingung.

I never confused to find where he sleeps, because all day I do not see it. After I searched for some time, I found him sleeping in the cardboard box I had placed in the corner of the house.

Pernah si lucky membuat saya kebingungan mencari dimana dia tidur, karena seharian saya tidak melihatnya. Setelah saya cukup lama kebingungan mencarinya, saya pun menemukannya tidur di dalam kardus yang saya letakkan di sudut rumah.


There are several advantages of maintaining a kampong at home.

The cost of treatment is cheap, because usually the village cat is rarely affected by the disease, and does not choose food.

Expel the rats in the house. Because village cats prefer to hunt themselves for food.

Cat fur does not fall out.

Ada beberapa kelebihan memelihara kuving kampung di rumah.

Biaya perawatannya murah, karena biasanya kucing kampung jarang terkena penyakit, dan tidak memilih makanan.
Mengusir tikus dalam rumah. Karena kucing kampung lebih suka berburu sendiri untuk mendapatkan makanan.
Bulu kucing kampung tidak rontok.

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Hey @hamzakhan11, nice post! I've developed a better appreciation for art and photos, so it's nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers

Thanks dear @exxodus

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment