My Photography. Back To the Garden?

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Back to my peaceful garden where I can use my imagination and feel at peace.

See the below rabbit looks as if getting ready to hunker down for the freezing weather forecast for tonight 27 degrees....burr

Today is bit cloudy so, weather being bit bleak looking so it gives the images bit somber and anticipation of something which is a deep freeze tonight.

Below image : Notice the elderly man is hunkering down too trying to shield himself from upcoming chill and cold spell coming up.

Just wanted to share more garden sight for your enjoyment.

Below image was taken other day when it was sunny and l fell much brighter and happy when I am admiring this.

Do you have a favorite garden or quite wooded area you like to go to for peace and contemplation?

I would like to hear your comments.

Be Free again Always, All Ways!
David, Hanamana

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looks like you got a pretty good spot goin 👍

Yes, it is a nice garden to escape to and capture these images.

Awesome looking your photography, i like this garden.

Glad you like my images.

Hope you are so good? Your post has been very good.
This is a very beautiful place to look at. I do God's dua,
you can post better than this. We are with you.
I'm gonna follow you If you like my comments then
please me and please do a Upvote please!

Thanks for feed back.

I do not have a wooded area with peace and quiet but I love to stay in my room and contemplate.

I have a farm but it is not fit for contemplating because there are no shades there.

Thanks for sharing. You must live where there is much sunshine?