reunion of unimal journalistic groups

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello everything after long separated finally hours of unimal journalism can meet again on one occasion,Of course many of our language encounters are yes let alone have not met for a long time.

at the event we became a committee in assisting officers at the event taklim North Aceh district level, in the field A1 Simpangrangkaya.






All This Photo Taken With :

Camera : Xiaomi MI 5x

Lens : Camera Xiaomi

Photograph : @hattaarshavin

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Selamat sukses kawan

Terima kasih doanya kawan

Yalah, sama sama

Sukses selalu bg hatta

Terima kasih doanya

Sama sama bg.
Salam NSC

Wow wonderful.

Thank buddy

Hy men hna singgah bak tempat lon go

Kebetulan Hana merempek

Long na merumpok ngon wajah mirip roneuh

Tetap semngat bag dan sukses selalu
Izin saya membagikan postingan nya

Aku kenal sama cwek jilbab pink dn yg pkek topi😂