[PHOTO] Portrait of Islamic Boarding School Students in Keeping Environment Clean - Potret Gotong Royong Santri

in photography •  7 years ago 
SubjectBoarding School Students
PhotographerSyafrizal Elselatany/@hikayatsantri
LocationPesantren Modern Al Manar, Aceh Besar, Indonesia
Description :
this is a portrait of santri (islamic boarding school student) activity on the morning of friday (jum'at). usually boarding students (santri) was holiday on Friday not on Sunday, and indeed there are still some boarding school still made holiday on Sunday. Friday morning usually the students run early in the morning or gymnastics, then they work together clean the boarding school environment as seen in this picture. they are educated independent, educated with all circumstances so as not to spoil later. students are required to be independent and familiar with all good circumstances in easy and difficult circumstances. work together (gotong royong) contains the value of education in student characteristic, where students are invited to be sensitive to the cleanliness of the environment.
ini adalah potret kegiatan santri di pagi jum'at. biasanya pesantren meliburkan santri pada hari jumat bukan pada hari minggu, dan memang masih ada sebahagian pesantren masih meliburkan santrinya pada hari minggu. Pagi jumat biasanya santri terlebih dahulu lari pagi atau senam, kemudian sama-sama bergotong royong membersihkan lingkungan pesantren seperti yang terlihat di gambar ini. mereka dididik mandiri, dididik dengan segala keadaan agar tidak manja nantinya. santri dituntut harus mandiri dan terbiasanya dengan segala keadaan baik itu dalam keadaan mudah maupun susah. gotong royong mengandung nilai pendidikan pada santri, dimana santri diajak untuk peka terhadap kebersihan lingkungannya.








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