Malvern Hills: A walk in the clouds, July 23rd, 2017

in photography •  7 years ago 

My friend actually asked me to take this view, the difference was that, she was holding her iPhone and about to use it. I didn't check the result in her phone camera nor she offered. We knew and have accepted the fact that Samsung won over iPhone over its' cameras capabilities. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

As I haven't stopped gushing about our weekend in Malvern, and mostly of our daily walk in MALVERN HILLS, i will still be posting unedited images of  amazing views and cloud formations. Having said before that views overlooking towards Wales were much "better", dramatic cloud formations over the Severn valley that sunday were magnificent. We were in AWE!

What do you think?

I swear it was sunny when we started walking up, the walk was a bit steeper from where we started near BRITISH CAMP. This will be near the southern most part of the hills, in Colwall, another smaller town surrounding Malvern Hills. It was Sunday so there were more walkers than the day before. 

Let's go for a walk?

All images are mine and are original, taken with my Samsung Galaxy S7.

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Beautiful Malvern Hills! Love that area - Wonderful for walks!

I know. Can u get a house here and i'll watch over it lolsss
Got a friend in the area.