The flowers, the bees and the flies in Malvern Hills

in photography •  7 years ago 

I know my friends were thinking I was being anti-social for being addicted with my Samsung, if not taking shots of the amazing views in and around MALVERN HILLS, i was fixated too in taking pictures of these tiny flowers. Not realising that most of them are just one kind of a plant, or probably just a bush gifted with awesome purple flowers. 

Aren't they cute?

Most were taken rushed, but I knew that so long as the shots were clear, I couldn't go wrong. I think that i'm trusting my phone's camera more than having a skill in photography. Samsung is that good ...way better than iPhone. TRUST ME.

Let it be.

A quote from OSHO it says this, 

If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.

The flowers, the bees and the flies.

All images are mine and are original, taken with my Samsung Galaxy S7.

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wow what beautiful thistle flowers!! Fab day out!! Yes I agree do not pick wild flowers, they are much prettier alive!

Definitely not pick them...they're way beautiful dancing in the wind.

These wild flowers are always full of surprises ... beautiful pictures

Thanks a lot. Check my "keep off the grass" post??

Lovely flowers!

Ta! Had fun taking them :)

Those flowers are tiny but beautifully unique!

Its' vibrant purple color is awesome. salamat te.

beautiful! i love taking pictures of flowers too. :) Currently working on a new post about some flowers i captured from Sagada. :) Followed and upvoted.

Thanks..sige lets see some pics from Sagada :)
They're not mostly talked about except those hanging coffins.

awesome thistles, they're gorgeous, and I love the fluffy seed heads, I took some shots of thistle fluff myself, here's one:

Is that what they are thank you. Cool shot, what are you using?

Canon 40D with 300mm telephoto, just love it for plants, and surprisingly, landscapes, when you zoom in on detail. Phone cams are stupendously good these days and I have one, I just find it hard to keep the horizon level. Haha! And I like shooting in RAW so I can tidy up a little after, mainly tweaking exposure, sometimes contrast, very occasionally colour/white balance. Keep shooting, you've got a lovely eye for it.

oh thank you i will. i need to play with its' functions more for better results.

Hi, another soul from Earth loves these pictures. For the life of me I wouldn't have guessed it's a phone that was used. Thought it was a DSLR. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you..ive been told of that since using Samsung. Am sure there's a lot of features that I haven't used.

Samsung brought their A game on this one. Nice

this after what happened to their note edge???

They improved on it.

i wonder how their S8 like?

I heard camera are the same, just bigger display size (5.8inch)plus the finger print sensor .

that would mean a bigger-size phone?

Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.

That's the best part, wonderful pictures by the way, appreciated :)

Thank you..glad you like them :)

Hello, Greetings from Venezuela, I really liked your post.

Thank you. How is Venezuela nowadays?