Photographs of my lilies || Fotografías de mis lirios ❀✿⚘

in photography •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Taken at ISO 100, f/8.0, 1/160 s and 18mm. Nikon D5100 camera.


Taken at ISO 100, f/8.0, 1/320 s and 18mm. Nikon D5100 camera.

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Taken at ISO 100, f/8.0, 1/250 s and 18mm. Nikon D5100 camera.


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this week my white lilies bloomed, a bit outdated at the time of outcrop, but I am very happy to see you so soon!

I suppose that due to climate change caused them to bloom in February, they usually bloom near May.

What I like most about them, are those subtle lines of color, they seem brushstrokes.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do with my lilies

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Esta semana florecieron mis lirios blancos, un poco desfasados en el tiempo de afloración, pero ¡estoy muy feliz de verlos tan pronto!

Supongo que debido al cambio climático les provocó florecer en febrero, normalmente florecen cerca de mayo.

Lo que más me gusta de ellos, son esas líneas sutiles de color, parecen pinceladas.

Espero que disfruten tanto estas fotos, como yo lo hago con mis lirios.

JADE 2.jpg

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