How NOT To Be A Wedding DJ

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Several weeks ago, @winstonwolfe and I had the honor of documenting @bumbleshark's lovely wedding ceremony and reception.

As long-time photographer's, we know that our job is to be unseen, a fly on the wall, if you will. That's really the job any wedding vendor, but I guess one guy didn't get the memo.

Here's a quick example of how NOT to be a wedding DJ:

This is @bumbleshark, and she is about to toss her bouquet.
Doesn't she look beautiful on her wedding day?

Here she goes!

Wait....who's this??

That would be the DJ hired off of the venue's recommendation.

And he just ruined her bouquet toss photos.

What you can't see here is that @winstonwolfe is standing off to my right, trying to get the same moment from a slightly different angle. As soon as this happened, we gave each other a look - an "I'm about to choke a wedding DJ" look.

Because this guy ran in front of his camera, his photos aren't even worth showing.

I'm thinking this is surely a fluke. Maybe he didn't feel like he had the room's attention and was trying to direct it?
Maybe he just didn't realize what he had done.

Okay. Let's give him another chance.
Here comes the garter toss, and so far, so good. He's nowhere around:

Oh...there he is...

Are you serious right now, Mr. DJ Guy?!?!?

@winstonwolfe moved a little to try to get a better angle since it looked like he was going to pull the same stupid stunt. At this point, I'm looking Mr. DJ Guy dead in the eyes from across the room and telling him, in not so many words, to get the f out of my way.

He saw me. He ignored me.

Okay, here we go, I guess.

My shots:

@winstonwolfe's shots:

@bumbleshark and I have been long time friends, so shortly after things calmed down a little, I pulled her aside and told her what had happened. She briefly mentioned that he was the replacement sent in an emergency because the first DJ had already played all the wrong songs during her ceremony.


A few weeks later, she sends me a message and says the thought I would like to know the rest of the story. Apparently,
the tosses weren't the only snafu with this DJ:

I'm not going to waste my time pointing out all the things that went wrong here on a professional level. Really,

it's kind of obvious.

So, if you're looking to break into the wedding DJ industry, just remember that other vendors can possibly bring in quite a lot of referrals for you. Keep them happy and network with them, and please take notes from this guy on what NOT to do.

Does anyone else have a wedding vendor horror tale to share with me? I'd love to hear it!

Thanks for reading!


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Used to work with a great DJ, really knew what he was doing. Makes all the difference in the world.

Oh, for sure. There was one in particular I wish I could drag along to every reception I shoot. Smoothest reception ever. Unfortunately, it was an out of town wedding, so I don't have the opportunity to refer him to my local brides.

i hate chauncy-ass wedding djs. i've done a few in my day, but i stay off the mic unless specifically asked to speak and i stay WAY the hell out of the way of the photographer's way.

why was this dude EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL THIS? he had zero business being there at all.

That's what I was asking!! I really thought the first time was an accident. By the second time, I thought he was trying to steal the limelight. Now, I'm convinced he just really didn't know what he was doing.

Haha, I stopped DJ'ing weddings after the Groom wanted to hear Metal songs, the Bride wanted to hear K-Pop Songs and the Dad was yelling that we were playing horrible music.

We had to finally say "Look, I get it. I dont like this either but its their day not ours. Do what we're doing... enjoy the open bar!" hahaha

I would have just died. What a combination!
We get mostly country music / hip hop mixes. lol

Dude, I would have been so pissed.

Wow wow. Having been a wedding DJ a few times for friends (because I have PA and an extensive catalog of songs on file...not because I'm a real DJ lol), I know it's definitely not one's role to hog the spotlight...quite the opposite, rather.

Provide the soundtrack for their special day, do what they're paying you to do, and provide services fulfilling what was agreed upon doing beforehand...shouldn't be a big deal.

Some people just don't get it.

Yeah, that part really got me. If I misquote a client and don't figure it out until they've already paid off their contract, I'm just going to have to eat my mistake. I wouldn't dare go back with my hand out for more!

Pissed. Devastated. Crying. All of those is how I felt and still feel. This is the first time I'm seeing these pics and my husband looks wonderful! I love that smile on his face! And thats our good friend, TJ standing on the chair! But now i have tears in my eyes because they're ruined by one person who decided he wanted to be in those wedding photos. It hurt me that day and will bother me every time I look at them. The worst part? There was still bad news to follow 12 hours later.
Thank you both for the amazing photos! I had an idea of how the pics would be but they have been beyond both of our expectations! We cannot thank you enough! We can't wait to see the rest of them!

Gah! What a mess! Everything else went fantastic, though, and I think you had a beautiful day! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you see the photos from your daughter's speech. ;)

LMAO, im sorry....but thats kind of funny...

maybe he had something to drink?

the smiley face also makes his actions just seem adorable haha

LOL I can see how that is. It's a little funny in hindsight, for sure.
It's not so funny to the bride, though, who paid good money for her wedding photos.


Man, what a terrible thing to happen at your wedding. Music is what sets a lot of the tone for enjoyment and mini-events through the wedding. Did your client ever tell the dj company? I feel like they might need some retraining or restructuring.

The screenshot in the post is the review she left for them. I think she has contacted them personally, too.
And I agree, one or two flubs can be easily forgotten, but how quickly a bad DJ can ruin the mood!

Omg this is terrible. I think you shouldve called him and tell him right into his face ,,stay ef... away of any pictures, see flash going- stay in the corner!,, Feel sorry for the couple now, some douche ruined most important pictures in their lives. Good story

haha! I was trying to motion to him and at one point I know he saw me tell him to move, but I don't know if it registered with him.
I chickened out a bit on taking control because the DJ was being upbeat and lively, so I was afraid guests would be like, "Why is that angry photographer yelling at the DJ??"
lol They don't see what we see.

I'm a wedding dj, but I always make an effort to stay out of the way and especially out of the pictures. I work with the photographer to make sure they get everything they want to shoot. Sorry you had this experience with a dj. We aren't all like that

For sure! We've had the pleasure of working with some awesome wedding DJs, too. One in particular was even able to give us a down-to-the-minute rundown of how everything was going to work, And made sure to get our attention when something was coming up.

I can't imagine having to perform as a wedding DJ or photographer. The pressure must be intense, as there are no second chances.

My wife and I had a flower shop several years back, and that was hard enough. But we could take our time making sure everything looked great and then get out of there before the festivities started.

Other than that, I've only been to three weddings in my life, not counting my own (which was a quiet justice-of-the-peace ceremony on the beach).

You're so right! It is very high pressure and also very underappreciated. As a general rule of thumb for photographers, one should have had some practice at a few weddings with the help of some mentoring before taking on their first one solo.

WOW - I'm kind of speechless! That was totally uncool and I'd totally out these guys so it doesn't happen to another couple!

I'm letting the bride handle it her way for now. When she's done, I'll likely pass this along to my professional peers in the area so they can keep an eye out for him. The venue who recommended him already knows and they aren't happy.

Indeed! It's hurts the venue's reputation too!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Haha We stopped going to weddings and funerals. If we get invited to a wedding we send a gift with a note that says we will be away for the month and if you get a divorce within a year we want our gift back. Seven of the last ten wedding we've attended? The marriages ended in a divorce! :D but I think everyone should try it at least once!! Grrreat pics it actually looks like a fun and cute couple and wedding. Best Wishes to All!!

That's hilarious! Of all the weddings I've photographed, only one couple has divorced.
Another couple canceled a month before their wedding, but at least they figured out it wasn't a good choice for them before it was too late.

My husband and I have been married for 32 years! The key ingredient to a lasting marriage is velcro and a sense of humor and of course a great photographer on the wedding day!! ;)