Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day!

in photography •  7 years ago 

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That’s right, today is Bitcoin Pizza day and to celebrate it I decided to walk down to Balboa Boutiques where the one and only Panamá Blockchain Embassy @embassypty!

So obviously I wanted the whole pizza day experience. Turns out the blockchain embassy has a bitcoin ATM from Cryptobuyer, which you can use to purchase yourself some crypto:

Also, the shops in the mall several of the restaurants accept Bitcoin/Litecoin/Dash… and guess who is in that select list? An Italian restaurant by the name of Aglio Rosso. So, 2 + 2 = Bitcoin pizza day! Before we all get too excited... I am going to have to be honest... we ran into some issues upstairs at the restaurant. Their terminal to accept crypto was down at the moment for reasons unbeknownst to me. However, the restaurant went above and beyond to really cater to us crazy crypto people:

As you can see, they made us a Bitcoin Pizza! And it wasn't just one... oh no, we got ourselves two!

By the time we were done taking pictures like crazy, I am sure they were done with us as well. So, we went ahead and took the party downstairs for the second part of the improv bitcoin pizza day photoshoot:

By the way, I really like this next picture. It captures the pizza (although you can't see the bitcoin loco or much of it), but in the background you get the Bitcoin logo full blown at the entrance of the blockchain embassy. Not only that, you can appreciate part of the space in the reflection on the glass wall. You can see the different crypto shirts they have there for sale as well as some indistinguishable reference books, cups and things. I think it really capture as much as you possibly could in one picture!

And of course, the restaurant was so happy to see us take our craziness downstairs that they sent us a Bitcoin Brownie to keep us there:

Just kidding ^^, they love us! By the time I decided to take a picture and pulled out the camera... the bitcoin symbol had already morphed into this. But you can sort of tell there was a B there whose two vertical lines just didn't make it pass a few minutes. Guess syrup at Panamá room temperature just doesn't work for writing. Anyway, for something that happened completely out of the blue I guess we did ok. As always, the staff at the Bitcoin Embassy and Aglio Rosso were very cool and accommodating. If you are ever in Panama, be sure to come on a Tuesday to the Blockchain Embassy, buy one of their embassy pty white shirts and then head upstairs to Aglio Rosso to enjoy 50% off on your meal! That's right, Tuesdays they have a promo where they give each person wearing a white shirt 50% off their check (don't make the mistake of not wearing one hoping to get the discount from another guest. They only apply the discount on the consumption of the person/people wearing the white shirt.)

So, what are you waiting for? Come on over! Here in my website! you can find a gallery of the rest of the "awesome" pictures we took to celebrate bitcoin pizza day. Or feel free to jump straight into the Bitcoin Pizza Day Gallery.

Some of my favorites include this whoopsies moment: Whoopsies

And some really great shots of the pizza at the Panama Blockchain Embassy:
Bitcoin Pizzas and the inside logo

I'll probably share some with more detail in different posts as this one is more focused on the special day today is and of course of its significance: The acceptance of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange.

Let me know which are you favorites, and what did you to do celebrate this day in the comments section below! Talk to you soon!

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I had an extra cheese pizza @papajohns! delicioso

Watch Bitcoin Pizza day become a national holiday in a country, that'd be awesome

I mean... they are already doing public spaces / monuments for Bitcoin in some countries... one can only hope!

I am wondering, where is he now? is he still do btc mining or anything that involve crypto? or he is just gone due to depression for today's btc price, LOL

I think everyone selling bitcoin now will be in depression when bitcoin reaches 1 million.

There will come a time when Bitcoin finds price stability. We need people exchanging them for it to truly become a global currency... otherwise it is just a collectors item and something else will come to take it's place.

absolutely agree. We will just HODL TIGHT, LOL

I think he must be in depression because od btc price :)

I read that Laszlo replicated the same experiment later on to test the lightning network when 1 BTC was worth $o.ooo5 after that he sold all his bitcoin and lived happily ever after!

I think he was wise, like would you sell your painting created 5 minutes ago in photoshop for 2 pizzas? I think you'd be happy to sell.

Well done, beautiful
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing the recipe with us..

i can imagine the price of this pizas in 5 -10 years when 1 bitcoin will be more than 1 milion $

I better go buy more bitcoin then so I don't get depressed in a decade.


Very yummy bitcoin pizza. I think it will so expensive like bitcoin.

this day may always hurt the pizza buyer.

I did order a pizza yesterday to celebrate bitcoin pizza day :):)

Smart men think alike lol!

Fantastic pizza for bitcoin

Delicious, I want to order one... But put butter garlic sauce on the "B" for me please... yum...

I knew I was missing something!

No Problem Brother, I Got Your Back...
Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 7.14.10 PM.png

Someone just upped you with cheese filled B... did not think of that either.

Change the garlic butter sauce to a Garlic Pesto, with that Cheese Filled "B". Now Im thinking of making this one, Getting Hungry now... lol...

the price of pizza should be 8000$ according to btc price..ha ha ha

Why $8000, it's $84 mln according to current prices.

yeah, I think the math is off there

i'd like to devour those Bitcoin pizza anytime😏😸

This pizza is definitelly cheaper than that one bought several years ago ;-)

if you are looking at the BTC price then yes, very much cheaper!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Cryptoworld celebrates the anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza Day
Eight years ago, the Czech crypto-enthusiast Lazlo Hanesh made the first real purchase in the history of the bitcoins. Hanesh transferred 10,000 BTC to his programmer friend, who ordered two pizza from Papa John's restaurant. At that time, one bitcoin cost about $ 0.003

Tell us what Papa John's Pizza did with the Bitcoin he received...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No idea, interesting question. Version#1 Papa John nowadays is just BigPa cause he have 10.000BTC

Version #2 Papa John last seen in the Bahamas on his Farkin big Boat...


It is a Very expensive pizza.

Well, I am sure back then no one would expect this meteoric rise. And if no one would had traded Bitcoin back then, we wouldn't be were we are today. In hindsight it was very expensive but his price to acdquire those bitcoins probably wasn't.

That's looks so tasty, I'm going to order one of that to celebrate I love pizza so much!

The most expensive pizza in the world is bitcoin-pizza

I wouldn’t be able to swallow a million dollar bite 😂

yeah happy bitcoin day :D

Bitcoin is changing the world as we speak. It is changing the lives of middle income individuals.

Bitcoin pizza looks amazing!!

4E1EAE37-7E60-43DB-BF6B-C9B902BE0CC6.jpegWho would have ever imagined the currency which was valued equivalent to a single pizza years ago would have the value to purchase the whole pizza store someday.

an entire chain you mean! lol.

At present, BTC has become an important milestone.
But I'm feeling very well. Would not it be a world number one?

For some people this place is just a normal place. But for us Crypto Enthusiast this place is like a paradise. I feel energized for seeing this picture into Crypto much even if I personally get to see this in person. Thanks for posting my friend.

Glad you enjoyed and appreciate it that much. Well, if you are ever in Panama don't forget to stop by Balboa Boutiques and dine at one of the restaurants there that take crypto. Not all of them do but at least you can get Italian and pay with bitcoin for now ^^

This story makes me laugh, not yours but the original. How many people have bought into the Bitcoin trend now and read this story and go through the "if only I knew then" phase...

A lot for sure. Though I've heard of people who bought way back when but then sold when they made x2 or x10. I think there are only very few people who would held for so long and even fewer who did so by conviction not just something that happened. The age of massive gains is over but hopefully we can still make some good profits.

I love pizza. This a great place for crytoholic people. ;) Nice share. Up!

Thanks! I know, cryptoholic people would dig this mall... just sad it is small and not everyone accepts it but someday... someday...

I just think that those are delicious pizza 😂

They were good though we were starving, so, maybe a little bit biased.

at the 7-8 year ago, i think i will do the same thing (using big amount to buy thing )

So interesting..

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For any of you who feel pitty for my lil bro, DONT!! His life is probably a whole lot funner than yours...

ich wusste gar nicht das man digitale währung essen kann, sieht aber sehr lecker aus

lol, you can eat only bitcoin right now... maybe next years there will be able to eat some other currencies (っˆڡˆς)

wow really wonderful pizza photography. i love pizza. thanks for @jcbit

You are welcome, glad you liked them!

hope I was there on that day. Now I will shine in life. If I got some on that day, I may not need to struggle in life so much. I have to look after my whole family which contains 2 little brothers behind my education. That's so hard for a boy like me.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks for huge informative post.

good post and interesting

What a delicious and creative idea

Yeah, it turned out pretty cool

This pizza looks very nice to see

Coming from someone who was a Bitcoin as their avatar, I can imagine why!

It was a really nice pizza. it looks quite tasty. you need to taste it.

the Bitcoin pizzas and the dessert looks delicious! if i were there, my side-view will look like the bitcoin logo too 'B'.. might as well be the restaurants mascot or something.. :) anyway, happy bitcoin pizza day to you.. lol

Yeah, I need to go to the gym from all those bitcoin calories now lol

yes.. me too.. ate a few scoops of ice cream after seeing your melted bitcoin brownies photo.. lol

This post has received a 21.24 % upvote from @boomerang.

I love these shots... Really amazing.

Thank you very much!

Hello friend, excellent publication, I liked it a lot. Count on me, I invite you to visit my profile and count on you too, Regards

One day all pizaa stores accept only Bitcoin/Crypto

I believe there will be a day where paying with crypto will be as easy / convenient as paying with a credit card is today.

nice post

Great post from you
Thanks for sharing the recipe with us..

Wonderful pizza,It's really awesome

i love pizza

Great post, love the pictures! It's funny to think what you could buy with that much Bitcoin today, lol.

Borderline depressing if you ask me hahaha. But certainly, we've come a long way since those days, and we still have much more to go! But that's part of what makes Bitcoin great, that it is a store of value. Obviously, the role of digital cash would have to go to a stable coin. I believe the future looks that way: Bitcoin being digital gold and another currency being the stable coin you convert into to pay for day to day expenses. Although long term probably bitcoin will gain stability price wise once adoption nears its maximums. I guess anything could happen!

Would Eos be potential?

Posted using Partiko Android

It is so hard to tell because there is so much disruption and innovation in the market. I wouldn't be surprised if the Top 10 looked very different than it does today and we have coins not yet invented there. Such an exciting time to be alive!

You are right. Eos situation just reminds me eth in 2016.

nice post, nice pizza!!! :)

Thank you! I think it is a great story and celebration of where we are and where we are going!

WOW! this is delicious, can i have some?

It is long gone, but if you're ever in Panama you can probably order a Bitcoin Pizza at Aglio Rosso and pay for it with Bitcoins/Litecoins/Dash which is what they currently accept.

Nice one there

Congratulation jcbit! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 29min with 24 votes.
Thanks to @souldelas.

I want eat

As of current market rate 98 mill is huge...!!!

Hope you didn't pay 10 000 BTC for those

I wish I had that!

If you do, just let me know, I'll have some pizzas waiting for you :)

really? i loved it

Wow delicious. it will get a top position on the BIT COIN STOCK MARKET

good taste bitcoin

beautiful pizza, beautiful, beautiful

delicious pizza hha

happy bitcoin pizza day just for you

Thanks! Happy bitcoin pizza day to you too!

upvote me if where same cant even taste the pizza for the rest of our life

Posted using Partiko Android

Crypto is applicable every .
Great post and long live Crypto enthusiast.

It looks great.

Absolutely..... Cryptocurrency now also in the items to eat... :)

Prolific photography . And what a pizza to show botcoins birthday. It looks very tasty and deliciohs ans well costly because it s bitcoins birthday. Well done that was really good from you.

Lol, mine wasn't costly... at least not yet?

Sounds delicious, I might have to partake in this today!

Nice and perfect.@jcbit

hot and full of cheese!

Chill with a cup of ice water

That looks awesome lol, pretty tasty too I bet :D

Hard to be objective on this one, we were starving by the time we were ready to eat it ^^

Congratulations @jcbit!
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thats pretty sweet!! cant wait til you can spend your crypto anywhere!

I know right? We are still miles away but digital cash is the future!


Hello, deliciou pizza, iwant to order one, congratulations.

Very nice pizza :D

I like pizza :D

It must be related to btc price,,, hhahah

Pizza dumped? :(

Yummy pizza. I'm also eating right now any one ? ;)

This Bitcoin is testy to eat also .

I mean... it was made of the same bread as the pizza so if you are into bread sticks then yes ^^

The crypto currency has come to stay. By the way that pizza looks delicious.

Yes for sure, the world has changed in a way that can't be undone. The credit goes entirely to the chef, she did what she could with a picture on a phone

Love it !! i need one pls <3 haha

Looks delicious

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So much creativity here. I wish I could take shots like this!

It just happened... it doesn't happen that often though lol. Just keep working on what you are passionate about!

Hope you all enjoyed your pizza!

We did, thank you!

Is it just me that is thinking of the B emoji?

I would also sell unnecessary bytes on the computer for 2 pizzas. I always want to eat.

Same here, food is one of the greatest pleasure of life!

I think that these two bitcoins have already got into the sewers. LOL

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I like this post .and i love your post.

Never heard of this holiday but more than willing to participate and celebrate it moving forward! hahaha

Really? It is all over twitter and the crypto news outlets. You even have companies like Trezor giving 10% off their products while Ledger had a red commemorative one here: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/products/ledger-nano-s-pizza-day

it looks very delicious. i will try at home.
Do you have any suggestions ?


Nice bitcoin pizza :D
Pizza day
I like this post.

Yeah, I wasn't really expecting the restaurant to custom make us these pizzas but overall the Gods of crypto looked favorably upon us and delivered!

This pizza look so good! It cost 1 bitcoin :D?

nice post

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yeah, I like how the second one looked. I think for being her first bitcoin pizza, the chef did a fantastic job!

Wao. I also want to eat that pizza

Would be funny if people started going to the restaurant just to ask for a Bitcoin pizza, lol.

Seeing this Bitcoin pizza at this hour (it's 1:13 am here) makes me really, really hungry!

I guess you can order one online or over the phone... but yeah, I would be hungry too

📌 Just seeing a Big B for Bitcoin made out of Bread is mouth watering! I hope it's cheese filled in the bread haha!

Unfortunately not... but that's something to improve for next year!