RE: Panorama: Lake Klopein / Klopeinersee

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Panorama: Lake Klopein / Klopeinersee

in photography •  6 years ago 

I certainly won't forget this one :)
I would definitely accept an excuse with such a story ;)

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Lol 😂 no idea how I came up with that my mind wonders all over at times

Good morning JJ,

I think that you had the story in your head for a long time, and that you were just looking for a suitable victim :))) lol

Lol 😂 no because if I had I would have found a way to share it with family which I didn’t do till yesterday lol
My mind works in mysterious ways I say I am not a writer or storyteller but every now and again one like this comes to me 😎

I think I am going to look for your typos from now on - maybe there are more stories coming ;)

LOL Maybe there are Stories waiting to be told,

My wife is always telling me i need to do more photos with my Little sheep Bahbahra ( its a fridge magnet from NZ ) that I have taken many photos of in the past and must start again and make stories to go with them, Maybe this has motivated me to start with those again

Yes, JJ, you should listen to your wife ... I have found Bahbahra (great, love it) and also think you should take your pen and write :)

Should I name the source? Of course, because I don't want problems with SteemCleaners ;)

To show you where my Mind goes when i saw that photo of Bahbahra i was trying to read the notes to see what course i was on when I took that photo I think it was a BRM related course, or some management course, LOL
I think I should start with Bahbahra again it has been a while i must say

Your mind is quite allright and working the right way, but that's only my own opinion. If you think different, then I don't want to argue ;)
I would also have tried to read and remember, where Bahrbahra was sitting on.

If you start to write again, then please don't forget to photograph. You could illustrate Bahrbahra's stories with your photos... :)