RE: The missed Sunrise / Der versäumte Sonnenaufgang

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The missed Sunrise / Der versäumte Sonnenaufgang

in photography •  5 years ago 

They say they are chemtrails, the others say they are contrails - who is right? Who will test these trails? I don't believe, these are bad or toxic trails - who would do that? I don't think any Austrian would intoxicate the Austrian air... no, I don't believe such.


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Well chemtrails here are very common and they say most of Europe is heavily sprayed. I've seen the spraying aparatus and seen the videos of the scientists explaining what they are doing which is spraying aluminum particles in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and lessen global warming. That is the supposed goal.

There are other chemicals too but aluminum is the main one, we know that from sophisticated air testing machines that have been measuring the air for decades and the areas that are being sprayed have air with these added elements.

But we don't have that here where we are, we just have contrails so I don't think I've ever seen chemtrails. The whole thing is crazy.

That's a good thing, isn't it? I have also heard of toxic chemicals which harm people, and that's what I cannot believe.
You are right - that whole thing is crazy, but I trust in scientists and hope I'm not wrong ;)


It is a terrible thing because they are believing in bad science. The best scientists in the world laugh at them and the way they conduct their research and falsify the data.

It's the biggest con game and hoax in the world and has nothing to do with climate. It has everything to do with control and gaining wealth.

They've proven that the spraying does nothing to change the climate, it doesn't work but it does make people sick which is what the globalist want. NASA even came out with a report explaining how wonderful the increased C02 levels were for the planet and how much better vegetation all over the world is doing(bewcause plants thrive on C02) which in turn helps the whole planet because the plants produce more oxygen. lol.

One of our steemians on here, the brilliant smithlabs, does many posts about how idiotic and ignorant the climate change movement is and he presents the actual, real science and data exposes what the power and money grab is all about.

I have heard about the climate change lie, but to be honest, I have not had the time to learn more about it. I knew about chemtrails, but I didn't care because I thought they'd never do it here...
So, I'm sorry, but I don't know anything that I could say about this theme, and as long as I have other things to do, which are more important in my eyes (I know I am !DERANGED wrong) I won't have the time to get better informed :(


Oh no, you are very right sir johannpiber, at least most of the American people don't care much about climate change either. At least the ones who know the truth.

Just to be clear, I am fully aware that climate change is happening.

The real scientists just say that man-made climate change is a ridiculous hoax and MAY account for around 1% of global warming. lol. That's where the big scam comes in.

I am totally in favor of cutting emissions, developing renewable energy and cleaning up the environment and the oceans, etc...very important. But man can do almost nothing to affect the changing climate which is cyclical and mostly caused by solar activity.

As far as the chemtrails, they must not be doing them there. I asked a guy who was visiting England about them and he said they were as thick there as in California, if not worse.

I agree with what you say, but I have to look for more information about these chemtrails - not that I'd be afraid, I just want to know more.
But therefore I need some time and a bit enthusiasm to do that. Both I don't have right now ;)


I don't think the chemtrails bother most people but some people are very sensitive to chemicals and other elements and it makes them very sick but I doubt if you have them there anyway.

People are shocked when I tell them that we don't have them where I live in Texas but then I tell them about a large, secretive military base close to us and then they say that's why we aren't being sprayed.

The President's planes are routinely flown in here for maintenance and upgrades and so forth and there's alot of top secret government and military research going on there.

Ha, so you are lucky that there's a military base near you ;) Of course they won't harm the soldiers, which defend the country.


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