My Biggest Issue With Releasing New Work On A Schedule

in photography •  7 years ago 


This is a glimpse of a big composite image I've been working on all week long. I finished it last night in preparation for a group art show that I'm participating in on Saturday. The theme is Stratford (The city I live in) shown in a way that tourists wouldn't normally think of. If you Google Stratford, Ontario you'll quickly see one of the driving forces of the city is the million+ tourists that travel here every year despite only having 32,000 residents.

I spent all week doing Photoshop in any free time I could find to get this image done quick. What you see above is one layer close-cropped on black. I'm trying not to give too much away, because I want people from around here to go see it at the show.

If you follow my Steemit posts, you'll see that I haven't posted in just over a week. This unfortunately is a recurring situation I fall in to within my photography career. Any time I try and post on a schedule it eventually just pauses. For example in 2012 I attempted doing a photo every day. As ambitious as I am, I'd always get really cool images started though they wouldn't be where I'd want them to be when time would run out. Ultimately I'd have amazing portfolio quality work that I'd create for a daily post, and end up either missing the day or posting it before it was finished.

I realize all the famous artists in history didn't release a new work every day, whether they worked every day or not. The issue is that I'm constantly trying to push my social media by making regular high quality posts, I just simply don't have time for it.

I guess this post is more of a statement, I don't really know how to fix this problem at the moment. I'll just keep on trying.

I'll release the full Image sometime next week after the art show has begun.

Thanks for sticking around y'all!

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