BW Color Trails - A Starlit Sky #336

in photography •  6 years ago 

It's hard to see the stars at night anymore if you're in a big city. To much light pollution so you will need to go out in the country to get some good shots. The camera makes a major difference however you work with what you got and right now it's the magic of gimp editor for me lol. I took the background sky out replace it with one i liked and adjusted the image to around 40% with another clear star night image behind it so it blended well with each other.

You have to admit if this was real you would star at the stars letting your imagination wondering around. You're standing here looking at other planets knowing it's but a small fraction of whats really out there. It's not if there other life forms but are they like us? I think the alien is within, it's us who hasn't explored the un ending space, we are so very new that when we do explore enough space to meet other life forms it would be us that everyone else is looking at so strangely. As humans we can adapt and once we span out to other planets we will start to adapt to that planet and it's atmosphere. In another 100 to 1000 years we may look totally different to what we used to look like. Technology plays a major roll also, think about what you would do to change the dna structure to protect your self from the suns harmful rays. What if you could protect your children from ever getting skin cancer and all you have to do is take a pill that changes the structure of your skin dna into a sort of bio suit. Would it look gray? or perhaps green? What if you could change your dna to never get diseases again and live 10 times longer at the cost of changing the tone of your skin to gray and bone structure to someone else a little different, perhaps your eyes would be shielded with a layer of protection that is sort of like sunglasses to the outside but inside looking out you would seen normal or maybe even better. All of a sudden aliens aren't so scary after all but i'm willing to bet they are a lot like us, we have good ones, bad ones, and shades of gray. All I know is that I have met some really scary humans that do some really scary stuff....I'm not worried about aliens.


CameraYi Action 4K+
SoftwareGimp 2

followupvoteresteem 02(1).png

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I originally told you it was Glory, but I lied. I don't know if I want to reveal my name just yet to you.

I love this picture.

Thank you @stephde what did you love about it?

Here we can continue our discussion about manipulated pictures. With this picture for me it is clear, it is art because you can easily recognize that you mixed color photography with B/W. There is no pretending involved.
By the way it is quite amazing how far the human being has come already in spite of its limited body. Actually we are fantastically adaptable to the ever changing conditions of the earth. I don't want to be changed to something else. We have to come back to our natural state of being. If we continue to change the environment so drastically as we do that at the moment, we will not last long here on earth.

Hey thank you @johano, It is true, if you pretend you had better be 100% awesome at it, I'm not to that awesome level however I'm having fun learning each day it's always different nothing is the same routine. You have to remember that the earth it self is always changing and the events with ice ages mini ice ages happen every so often so humans are always in the faze of adapting and will always continue to do so until we have a stable environment hat never maybe a space city. Some natural evens can destroy humanity or come very close so I think it's a no brainier we have to prepare our bodies to survive such events like solar flares, global epidemics, gamma-ray burst, big asteroids, black holes, super volcano and that's not counting nuclear wars, reaching the max population of humans or A.I. gone rogue. I truly believe that the key to our survival is in our intelligence creating new defenses for our body to handle Gama rays by making our skin and body more resistant. Remember the few real threats that I named is only a part of what we know to be a threat, so much we don't understand yet. It's not if but when and we are due for a major event or should I say over due. Think of what could happen if we had a super volcano eruption, it would lay a thick cloud over a big part of the earth if not most of it making it so we can't grow enough food to feed the population. Mix that with fear and you have your self a nice cocktail of self destruction filled with a lot of people killing each other over resources. What is a nuke dropped in a few places when you have no choice right?....right? You can see how an event it self doesn't have to kill out 100% of the population, you just have to think it will. What would you do to survive? How about your children, what would you do to make sure they are safe and eating food? Would you kill someone else for food? Would you feed another person to your family to if you had no food and know you will all die? See how dark things get when you don't think about them because most people block it from there minds and hope it never happens. We see a lot of people becoming preppers because they are connecting the dots. Strange we are in such a relax state about it, this will be interesting to see unfold.