From the neighborhood to the world.
Before introducing me to my MyPictureDay I want to tell you who I am, where I came from and why I decided that this was my entrance, so pay attention.

Who I am?
My name is Jose.
I am an apprentice of life, a boy with 20 years of age, second child of a marriage; who brought three lives to this world. Being a human with flaws like everyone else, I differentiate a little or join a small group of people, who struggle daily for not leaving an orphan to that great dream lodged in his heart. I am an artist of living and an admirer of art, a lover of music and its production, of design, books and what they express, photography, life and everything that complements it as nature and its wonders.

Where do I come from?
I come from a great country called Venezuela, although the current situation is the worst in its history, it does not mean that everything has been lost. This country that has given me the opportunity to meet many people, live unforgettable experiences, both good and bad, deserves my respect for life. Venezuela is a Latin country that at the time, was synonymous with freedom and constant improvement and that is why even being in this storm that never seems to end, there is a light, a hope that finally changes. A change so expected by all and even more, by young people like me, who feel lost and without a future. That is why I consider that STEEMIT has been another survival weapon here in my country.
Why did I decide that this was my ticket?
Simple. In Venezuela there is a shortage of all kinds, from basic products such as: food, personal hygiene products, gas, to things you never imagined would disappear as: Public transport, cash, spare parts, tires, really a end of things, which are not easy to obtain and if someone sells it to you, it does it at a high price and out of reality. Taking into account this, I knew from the beginning that going on a trip, or a trip to a tourist area of the country to compete and have incredible photographs, would take me to make a great expense, that gladly was done since I would invest my money from Steemit, but what stopped me was the following: 1) When making the change of currency, the money would remain in my bank account, but at the time of withdrawing the cash could not because the banks do not have. And if at some point they have money they would only give you around a dollar, and obviously it's not enough for anything. 2) Another obstacle is that there is no transport that takes you out of the neighborhood to the place you want to reach, and in some cases, where you get buses the queues are giants with people who have days dawning there to buy tickets. 3) Going to that type of zone is another risk due to insecurity, you could easily be killed or assaulted while doing your photo session, to remove the camera or any valuable object you have. Knowing this let's go to my adventure for the contest.
In connection with the nature of the neighborhood.
With this adventure through my own neighborhood, located in Guarenas - Venezuela, I have learned that it is not necessary to go out to the best places, that due to fame, overshadow some other places like this one. I learned to value what surrounds me and love one more to nature. My advice is: If you can not on one side or on the other, look for another option. Try above or below.
You should do the same, give importance to everything you have by your side. In my case I did not want to leave my neighborhood and I was inspired by what I had at hand, it is not even the best quality but I think what is worth is the magic that transmits what you do and everything you enjoy doing, I hope that there been to your liking.
Camera Used: Lenovo A850 phone.
I thank @timsaid for the contest.
If you want to participate, follow this link:
Thanks to brother @apoyolatino for his collaboration in the photographs and his presence in my little adventure.