Yes, it is a very pretty flower.
In relation to this matter of color, I remember that exactly 19 years ago, when I was studying in the school of dramatic art, watching design classes, they defined color in a very simple, simple and easy to understand way, they told me:
Color is light, only that, if there is no light there is color.
Complicating myself with physical and scientific explanations of light, it would be necessary to delve a lot into this subject in order to understand what this is about the physical decomposition of white light into primary colors, in turn these primary colors in their different tonalities, and which is complex to understand.
All this is very subjective, totally, the light passes through the front part of the eyeball and reaches its back, anatomically called retina, the latter is composed of a group of nerve cells called cones and rods, which are the specific tasks to perceive colors and night vision.
I have known of people who blindfolded, only touching, by the temperature of an object they can determine the color of it, that is, they have a special tactile capacity that allows them to recognize colors only by using their fingers.
Then I ask:
Is color really only equivalent to light?
If there is darkness, do things really stop having color?
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