Explore the Evergreen Enveronment of Cocoa farm- the pods that never dies

in photography •  7 years ago 

Indoors are boring, explore nature. Photo by my fly-eurostar

This is Africa-Kenya coc0a farm, the cash crop with numerous benefit to the society. You may know a lot about cocoa but you still lack some information about this cash crop.

In my journey of exploring nature, i learn something unique about cocoa pods. The pods are use for preparing soup when is very young. When they are old;i mean after picking the cocoa seeds, the remains are use to prepare soap. I will soon make a post concerning how it is done.

The cocoa leaves are use in roofing traditional buildings. These same leaves are also use with other herbs to cure fever and other diseases.

Cocoa tress can live as long as 80years according to my own research.

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