Macro-Photographs of a Silver Coin "Australian Kangaroo".

in photography •  8 years ago 

One of the things that Bitcoin introduced in my life was to invest a little in Gold and Silver. Not much, truth be told. At least not like those videos on Youtube where people have a box full of gold and silver ingots and coins. What I do is buy at least once a month one or two gold or silver coins, always depending on how much money I have won. And that started not too long ago, so my collection is not very extensive.

Well, today just arrived the first two silver coins "Australian Kangaroo" I buy in my life.



So far I always bought from the "Canadian Maple Leaf" but the design of the "Australian Kangaroo" I really liked. Aside from the fact that I plan to give my son one, he really likes kangaroos.

Holding the coins in my hand and looking at them I came up with an idea. Why not make them a Macro-Photographs to be able to see the details of the design well? And well, with the Macro lens for iPhone that I have and my phone I took these photos that I want to share with you.

The face of Queen Elizabeth II.



Details of the crown and hair of the Queen.



Details of the kangaroo engraved on the coin.




Details of engraved ornaments and letters.









Do you also save some money in Gold or Silver?

I think it's something that will never hurt.

Follow me @juanmiguelsalas

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This silver coin is really nice. I also want to collect some special gold and silver coins but i dont think i have the knowledge to judge what is great especially you need to pay premium on a designed coin :)

Thanks @wilkinshui! Well I also do not know so much about collecting Silver or Gold... I do it more for to have some savings in this 2 metals than for the "coin collector" hobby so I go for cheap coins normally or better, for not to pay premium on a designed coin, ingots, 100 gr Silver or 1 gr - 2 gr Gold...

silver coin huh
can you read what am thinking ? he he he

Now Im curious about what were you thinking @englishtchrivy he he he :D

I try and keep 5% of my wealth in silver. All 1oz coins. Mostly Kookaburras and Kangaroos but some others aswel. It's good to diversify incase there's another banking crisis and my money gets frozen like in Greece & Cyprus. I sound paranoid, ha.

Maybe I'll do a post on it soon.

It is not paranoid at all, is just the reality in this world we are living :) Thanks a lot for your comment @adammc

These turned out very nice! Just a thought, possibly look into buying silver by weight vs coin. More expensive over spot for coins, however depends on what you are buying them for. IE: for you son cause he likes Kangaroo's, or you just like coins. What Iphone do you have that has this Macro capability?

Hey @elderfinancial thanks for your comment :) Well, I should say that normally I go all for the weight but in this case was the kangaroo who won ;)
I have an iPhone 6 but I bought a lens adapter with a collection of lens, one is for Macros... works pretty well!

Noted, thank you sir!

Very nice looking coins.

Thanks a lot for the comment @team101 :)

Nice coin, professional Macro photos.

Not really so professionals ;) Thanks for the comment @mohsene!

What did you pay for the coins ?

Hey @vividrange! I pay 21 Euros, It is 1 troy oz coin.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

very cool coin, but not bitcoin))

But?!... How I can do a macro-photo to one Bitcoin ;) Thaanks for your comment @byvt

They're really works of art!

Glad you like them @mweich! Thanks for your comment :)

They are indeed works of art :)