Walk to the whales.

in photography •  9 years ago 

 There is a tourist attraction in Reykjavik. It will organize several local or not so local companies. The Internet is full of photos of the huge animals jumping out of the water, or showing giant tails around small boats with tourists. Still at home decide what will go necessarily. And here I am in the office of the company Greyline. Agree on such a journey. They organize them every day twice at 9 and 13 hours. Offer the next day in 13. I am satisfied with. Ask about the weather – the unpredictability. Asking if everything tourists see the whales? It turns out that about 80%, i.e. one trip of five or nothing. (Much the same information received earlier from the Internet). Begin to find out, and see whether the whales yesterday? And the day before? I enthusiastically tell you that, of course, and yesterday and the day before, and posture-the day before yesterday! A little sour, because I understand that my chances of seeing the desired sight in accordance with the laws of statistics, are reduced. 

 - What about those whales not seen?

 - What about them? Well, maybe, You return the money?

 Or offer a free second trip?

 - You Figure!!! 

  But, nothing to do, still going. At the appointed time took me away, brought to the port where I was surprised to consider the first sort of unusual mechanical card port

 - Excuse me, but in Iceland there was not the Railways?! - All true, but once upon a time in the port of two such locomotive still used when loading and unloading.

 Loaded on a small two-decked ship. Around 40 people. At the entrance under a glass ceiling hangs an impressive whale skeleton. 

 All are waterproof suits that you can pull right over all of my clothes. It is a bit hard to move, but warm and dry! 

 Sail, and the "tips" given by the girl. 

 Emancipation, however. Beside us leaving (ugh, get away!) a second boat with tourists. 

 In the beginning all went well. And the weather seems good, the sky clear, but no rain, and the sun sometimes Peeps. 

 The bulk of the people climbed to the upper deck. It has a superstructure with the chair in which sits a girl, designed to be the first to see the whales and tell us (and the steering of the vessel) about it. 

 Go, enjoy views of the ocean and get a briefing about how we understand where to look to see the whales. 

 It's very simple – the nose of the ship up to 12 hours. 

 - view to 10 hours – they all look to 10

 - look for 2 hours – everyone is looking at 2, and so on. 

 Going hour. 

 Still no whales, but the sky is getting darker, the wind picks up, waves and begins to pobrezguet rain. 

 But it would be half the trouble! The boat, apparently in search of whales, begins to change course, and often begins very serious pitching. On the upper deck we still only 10-12 people. Down on the bottom, and check and find that the tourists hung over the railing, and the other part keeps them shkvarnik to not allow them to go after the contents of the stomachs. From this picture I felt sick and I hastily climbed back upstairs, where our high commander, it tells what are the habits of whales and how they are this morning still saw a small whale. It is better to listen to a fairy tale than that, like below.... Another hour passes, and still I understand that the statistics, alas, don't lie. Not in store the ocean whales on our souls! Starting from boredom, despite the pitching, pictures of seagulls 

 and somehow not at once understand that all the studied views to the distant shore, where, it appears, hung a powerful cloud of white steam. Sorry, listened to the explanation that it was for emissions, but again was not comfortable, but the picture did 

 fortunately I just put a telephoto lens. Interestingly, of course, but not whales! 

Took the camera, got comfortable on the nose and was just looking into the ocean, idly thinking about that now let's go to the beach, the tour ends and I was lucky that I got in those 20% losers or unlucky that did not get to 80? And then the screams vanity. I hear:

 "Ten o'clock, ten o'clock!" Priest – back whale! Do not have time, of course, to change the lens. Click with normal, regular. The first picture is blurred, but it is the most expressive: 

 Within 5 minutes Keith that shows his fin, then the back, then disappears again. No jumps out, no tails, but... 

  A couple of times and even clicked the camera. For more report and to then convince yourself that is still something seen! 

 That's all! Joyful let our leader down to the lower deck and the boat cheerfully heading home, and I analyze their experiences: Like see whales, but were counting on completely different types! And who promised them to me? No! I saw them And declined, and for some reason decided that I would see the same thing?! He is guilty! Then I get home, had bothered to read a lot of reviews on similar excursions. Almost all write that I saw about the same as I, and only very, very few that I would like to see! Can't say that all of this "wiring" of the poor tourists. No! But, she is advertising this tour is designed so that, Willy-nilly, expect the most beautiful pictures, and the actual fact.... Very well done ad. Ask yourself now: 

 -if I knew that see would go? 

And myself answer: 

 - I'd go!!!

 Just there would be some discomfort from unfulfilled expectations! 

 Turn to those who happen to visit there – be SURE to TRAVEL on this tour(!), Just don't expect too much... ))) 

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wow thats some great photos! great post! thank you!

я бы с тобой туда поехала)))