How did I return to childhood in one day.

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello, this post will be a little more than the past, take tea and yummy, it will be sad: (

Today I wanted to go for a walk to one store for rockers, it is 30 minutes from my house, but instead I decided to look in one place, where I spent my childhood, where I often visited my grandmother's place...
You know this feeling, when the body trembles with memories. In certain places, there were certain moments. Something made you cry, but something on the contrary made you rejoice.
The street of my childhood was exactly the place, where I really released all the emotions today, and got rid of the negative.
I walked along the street, courtyards, I inhaled the air of these walls, the air of trees, the air of the embankment.
I looked at my old house, and stood there, crying.
I was crying along the way, I was crying around the house, I walked around all the places around crying.
I just went there and cried like a little child. And I did not care what passers-by would think about me and how they would react to the crying girl.
I was drawn to something five years later. It's been five years since I left there. The apartment always scared me because it seemed to me that there were ghosts there or something else. You sleep - and somebody look at you. You are sitting alone in an apartment - and someone is calling you. I've experienced it all on my own skin, and at the age of 11 I have not been scared of this once, but now I understand that this is really a terrible thing.
You will not believe how many points I have to do with this apartment. How much happiness was there, how much I lived there ... And for these six months I was practically the most joyful child. The first dog, many friends, wonderful places where you can take a walk. This is a bit of what I remember. I was so small ...
I remember looking out into the window, and there is a quiet courtyard where beautiful flowers grow, trees do not allow to see anything because of their wide green leaves, playground, and quiet yellow houses, arches, a garden with benches where old women rest...
Arriving in this yard, I was surprised at how quiet it was... There it was so calm, so peaceful.

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Childhood is the most beautiful time. We realize it only when become adults. Little ones , we react to the world differently, not as adults. We Express our opinion openly. Growing up, we start to evaluate and understand the world and people differently. We become indifferent and selfish. But what we remember from childhood, will remain with us forever.

I believe you must have been in a sober mood even as you write this. I know because you stopped talking about your memories so suddenly. So I observed anyways.
I envy your child hood experience since it can make you cry at the thought of having lost it. Mine childhood saw me wishing I was an adult soon. By the way,
Are you saying the house is not scary anymore?

the nice pictures!

giphy (3).gif

Nice friend
I like your post steemit

Nice explain your childhood ... childhood is special for everyone..
We share beautiful places follow us

Childhood is the best place to start with. Anyone that missed childhood has missed a whole lot.

Upvoted your post....

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment