#Kems : Tapaktuan Port, South Aceh (Smartphone Photography)

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello Guys,

On this occasion, I will show some very beautiful photos, while I was in Tapaktuan port, South Aceh. A few days ago, precisely before Idul Fitri. I took the time to go in my village with my family. In the afternoon, this location is busy visited by local residents who are fishing or are relaxing with other friends. Here are some the pictures:




Location:Tapaktuan Port, South Aceh
Time:5.30 PM
Camera:Xiaomi Mi A1


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Indahnya Aceh selatan

Nyan kakupateh, pasti mekawe lom nyan di sideh??

Hana sempat, Bang. Hahah.
Ka jula that watee nyan...

great that place and very good photos you managed to take, I guess you had to be patient and find that place and take those photos.

Thank you, :)

Ga maen-maen ke gunung lampu, bang? Eh gunung lampu bukan ya namanya? Yg ada BTS.

Ada, Cit. Uda agak sulit kesana karena batuannya uda banyak yg ancur kena ombak.

Qe buka eumah makan yg enak satu di kampung qe Kem..

InsyaAllah, secepatnya bang. Kalo ke sini singgah kerumah makan ku ya... Haha