multiplication of eleven

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)


Mathematics is the foundation of science. Math is therefore an absolute subject to study. However, various complaints about the difficulties of learning mathematics are common.

The fact shows that most students consider the math lesson is very difficult. So often encountered students who so the lesson began his face looked bored because he did not like math lessons.

Dislikes sourced from students or from. Students find mathematics difficult because from the beginning do not like mathematics, it could be because of the way mrngajar teacher less interesting so that learning objectives are not achieved.

Therefore it is necessary how to package innovative learning in conveying mathematics learning that is by singing because children are synonymous with singing because the teacher must understand what is liked by the students. By making the song is expected to students easily accept the material and do not feel afraid anymore with math lessons.

  1. Teacher creates songs related to math lesson
  2. Teachers share songs that have been written and shared with each student.
    The teacher teaches the song while singing along with the students repeatedly.
    Sample track



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