Inspire Steemit #1: How to take great selfies? Now you will have a clue! 什么样的自拍才能获得朋友圈更多的赞,Kiki亲自示范教你如何玩转自拍!steemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello again my beautiful Steemit community!


Our today's post will mostly talk about photography and some easy tricks that anybody can use to make one's photos look better.
Speaking of photography itself, apart from widely used S3LR cameras, smart phones seem to be an evitable choice for most of the 'digital art' fans.
Many people tend to follow the fashion of taking so called 'selfies' nowadays, both men and women alike. The problem is, that sometimes you have to take several attempts to make it look good enough to post it anywhere on the web, including social media websites, instant messangers and so on. You can easily learn how to take the beautiful pictures without anyone else. I know that asking random people to take the pictures for you feels awkward at times. Trust me guys, I have practised long enough to share some useful tricks with you.

说到拍照,除了单反相机,智能手机一定是不可缺少的拍照设备了。我相信很多女孩子甚至男孩子都喜欢拍照,但有时候单独一个人,如何解决拍照问题呢,大部分人都会选择手机自拍,但往往拍出来的效果却是缺乏美感的大头照, kiki平时喜欢一个人旅行,可是一个人旅行,谁来给我拍照呢?所以不知不觉中,KiKi练就了一些自拍达人技巧,在这里希望和大家分享一下!

Below I am giving you a few examples of some cool photos I have taken recently (all of them being actual 'selfies'):




As you you see from the example below, it is an essential thing to choose the right background for your photo. Some people may wonder how it's possible without engaging other people to take the photos. It takes just a little of imagination.



Another great idea might be using 'self-timer' function on your mobile phone. The one below shows me making a breakfast, I bet many people might think this photo must have been taken by somebody else. Nope. I only used iPhone6 phone's 'self-timer' function and it seems to have worked pretty well. It's all about adjusting the angle of the phone once it's put on the surface. You can achieve that effect easily by using anything at hand.

比如这样,这个是KiKi做早餐时候的自拍哦,像不像有人给我拍摄的, 但其实是我自己用iphone6手机的定时自拍哦.


My weapons of choice for making self-timer photos are mostly typical mobile phones (any would do actually) and GoPro 6 (sometimes).
Shooting mothods: either instant shooting and time shooting.
Some additional tools that might prove uselful are selfie sticks, both for mobile phones and GoPro (a lot of them are unsinkable, you should think about it, having in mind that GoPro equipments are frequently used for underwater shootings).



The cool method that you can definitely take an advantage of is countdown shooting. The great thing about it is that using that you will always have enough time to take the right pose, it also allows taking photos together. A lot of other, 3rd party apps have this function to, so I use it quite frequently. I think setting the timer for 3 seconds is your optimal choice.


Even though I personally use mostly iPhone6 for taking photos, the truth is that the photos' resolution being a result of the lense used in the phone is not good enough to make their quality comparable with other phones, most of which are even cheaper. In most of the cases using additional apps and filters seems to be necessity. Recently have I started using a particular model of OPPO phone - R9S to be exact. I have to say that for the time being OPPO phones are the best choice as long as taking photos/other shoots is considered. Very clear photos, lens of 16 million pixels make them look definitely better than the competition. There are also great, additional photo filters built-in in the software. Please kindly note that the rest of the specs of the phone are not as good or even nearly as good as other products that competitors can offer within the same price range.

不过,以前大部分照片Kiki是用iphone6自拍的,前置摄像头像素并不高,所以拍出来的照片并不高清,需要后期修图,但是现在我有个备用手机是oppo R9S,我不得不说,oppo系列手机简直就是自拍大杀器!前置镜头是1600万像素,清晰度刚刚的,相机自动的美颜效果也非常自然好看,拍照几乎不用其他app做后期了!


Some girls (and not only girls I guess) may ask how to make all these beautiful photos then. I believe I will have a few useful tips for your just below.


A. Never look exactly at the lense of the camera while the photo is being taken.

Looking at the lense while taking a photo doesn't make it look more natural. You should behave as if the photo of you were taken by somebody else instead of taking a photo by yourself. You should try to look in the same direction, left or right from the camera, or behind it. Another common mistake is staring at the self-timer while taking the photo, to make sure that you don't miss the exact moment when the photo kicks in. Not looking into the camera will make it look more natural and attractive.

A. 不看镜头



B. Adjust the angle of the light/sunlight accordingly to your pose and the photo.

Always remember that it is the natural, outdoor light that makes the pictures you take the most beautiful and there is no doubt behind that. It can make your face look younger and skin looks even smoother. As long as you take the right pose, depending on the time of the day (you should not be overexposed to the sunlight as it will make the pictures blurred) - the final effect can be stunning. It takes some time to pracise it. ;-)

B. 光线一定要好


PS. Below you have an example of the selfie having been taken in nearly full sun exposure. My skin looks quite good here, and it's all about the light effect. No additional filters used here.



C. The angle of the photo should be adjusted properly.

90% of the success of the photo is all about taking the right pose and angle. I can guarantee you that 9/10 pictures will look great if you pay attention to the angle of the photo and the pose you look the best at. Most of the people take the photos from 30-45 degrees, you should also choose the better looking part of your face as we know our faces are not exactly symmetrical. Take advantage of your hair, as a nice hair setup and choosing the best possible hairstyle can make it look even better. A photo of me with more or less 30 degrees angle was taken here - looks great, doesn't it? ;-)

C. 角度要选准



D. Learn how to use additional tools, they can help a lot to maximize the final effect!

I often use self-timer altogether with a selfie stick + wide-angle lenses. Combining all of these together can help you get rid of 'big head' effect when your head takes 80% of the picture space. It never looks good.
Pay an extra attention to the background of the photo, it will make it look different from others and will give your photo this unique 'vibe' and 'spirit'. Not to be missed!

Example: Below you can see the picture taken using iPhone6 altogether with wide angle lense.

D. 学会利用道具和神器



E. Try Sudoku!

Sudoku is another great method for taking inspirational and sensual photos!
What you should basically do is taking a lot of pictures at the same time, and put the best of them into the puzzle of nine pictures.
The whole thing is about choosing different photos with different facial expressions, which makes them look as if they were taken on different occasions, while the same background is used. The positioning of your head in the photos should be the same or at least similar, just the facial expression should change. Quite popular stuff among social media users!

E. 尝试一下九宫格


PS: Please take a look at the example below:


Having said all above, to put it roughly, your self-confidence is the key to make good selfie pictures.
If your smile is honest and sincere, the photo will always expose your natural beauty, which is why people take it!
If you dig the topic, I will write another post soon giving you more detailed information and extra recommendations regarding Instagram filter apps, to make you even more confident with yourself as long as digital reality is concerned. Stay tuned!



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Never look exactly at the lense of the camera while the photo is being taken.

Y'know, I never understood why my selfies looked like crap and you explained it in a very detailed fashion! Thanks for that!


Did you use photoshop to make this:



Seriously, I can never figure it out.

Thanks and take care!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, @shaunonsite! Thank you a lot for your comment. I do appreciate that you read the whole post. ;-) Actually, for making this particular photo I haven't used PH at all. I used a mobile phone app, called 'SelfieCity' instead. The function of making these kinds of collages is built in. It's really easy to use, you should give it a try!



  ·  7 years ago (edited)

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,谢谢美女的支持!我们女孩子都喜欢自拍,其实自拍不难,运用上面提到的几点,你可以拍出超美超自然的照片的!PS:一定多多利用定时拍摄和自拍杆/广角镜头,保证你拍出来的效果和别人 不-一-样!😊






对对对!!!!!忘记说啦!!!!我也有环闪/环形补光灯 确实是拍照神器,皮肤变得超好!下次再写人像摄影时候补上!O(∩_∩)O谢谢提醒!

美女镜头感很好 谢谢分享 我正好前几天也写到类似话题 因为也常一个人旅行 指望路人甲拍照要看造化 所以总是把相机放在周围的树上啊栏杆上啊之类 哈哈

哈哈,是的,一个人旅行的话,自拍架,三脚架或者手机八爪鱼夹子 都是可以自拍神器!我一般都是带着广角手机镜头,自拍杆,然后定时拍摄就差不多了!:)