I present to you two seasons with different descriptions.
Two seasons that have wonderful meanings.
Two seasons that have different things to offer.
One in the present, and the other in the future.
Let me begin with the present.
A place with the slanderer as King;
A place where angels of darkness at night or day, make their bells of discord ring;
A place where the waves of trouble roll against us;
A place where dust returns to dust and and giving in to sin sometimes tends to be a must;
Over here, the perfect harmony that exists between God and man is marred.
This is where the hearts of “Christians ” have many potholes and are very untarred;
Where the nature of man is corruptible, sinful and shameful;
A place where complaints tend to abound and men to their creator are never grateful;
This is the place where people neglect the commandments of God but tend to surrender and give in to mere mortals at the sight of a sword;
This is the place where the Son of God chose as his abode even though his own accepted him not;
The very place where for our freedom Christ fought and on the cross of us he thought;
This place is full of sin and wickedness. A place full of guilty consciences and of self acclaimed followers of Christ in filthy robes.
If only the eroded hearts that dwell in these filthy bodies could be seen.
If only the holes we have created in our Saviour’s heart with our sinful darts could be seen, then we would say to Him “Oh! Lord forgive us for being mean.
That is why I choose to call the time spent in this place THE CHRISTIAN’S WINTER. Here, the chilly wind of affliction blows upon us and the waves of pain, sadness , anxiety and trouble roll against us. In this place, we choose to freeze in our sins and lose sight of the warmth that awaits us. We choose to be snow balls that will melt and eventually vaporize in Summer. This is one of two places.
Let us now move to the future and try to be part of this big and wonderful picture.
In the beginning God created this place before the former and that is why I think yearning to be there shouldn’t be considered a misnomer.
A place where all will be a united family clothed with a garment of praise and thanksgiving;A place where nobody will be greedy or self seeking;
Where God will wipe away all tears, take away all fears and uproot all the enemy’s snares.
In this place, no dirge of buried affections will be heard and of sin, nothing will be said;
Heaven!!! Where all garments of heaviness will be changed for the wedding garment as we behold our King;Where I will hold my harp and let heaven’s arches ring;
Where God confers immortality upon his people and give unto them a crown that is richer than any crown that ever decked the brow of a King.
Of His Majesty I can’t wait to sing.
The time we will spend in this place will be THE CHRISTIAN’S SUMMER. Over there, our joys will be complete and we will take our glittering crowns and cast them at our Redeemer’s feet. Jesus will lead us beside the living stream and explain to us how he perfected our characters by helping us through the dark hours of our lives on earth. Our sinful nature will melt away and we will embrace the warmth that the Kingdom offers.