Finally, back in Minnesota!

in photography •  6 years ago 

Good day, Steemit! It feels great to dedicate my time to writing again. Currently, I’m at 35,000 feet flying over Colorado. Just leaving Vegas, finally returning to Minneapolis after a long two week weeks on the road. Viva Las Vegas and my preceding dates in LA have become most of my annual income. Year long, I take bookings and live off of the deposits. Sometimes I take more than I should. This year, it seemed almost impossible for me to accomplish, what ended up being, 33 shoots in 12 days. It’s a blessing to side-step a nine-to-five job in my 30’s [...especially considering the nature of my career]. It’s even better to spend most of the year with @kommienezuspadt and @guthrie. VLV, though, in April is when I finally have to pay the piper.

“Paying the piper” also means I make a shitload of money. The deposits are spread out over an entire year [...bookings typically begin right after Viva Las Vegas ends]. During the actual Rockabilly Weekend [...and the dates in LA], I make the second half of those shoots in under two weeks. Fortunately, this trip coincided with the tail end of the long market correction we’ve been feeling since February, which gave me the opportunity to buy more STEEM and other tokens I have faith in. As of this writing, that was a good decision as we’ve been green across the board for days.

Whenever I return from these trips, I tend to do elaborate “...this is what I did while I was gone” posts, and this is no exception. Highlights include being reunited with some of my favorite friends and models like Miss Victory Violet, Micheline Pitt and Rachel Sedory for a new La Femme En Noir shoot, Ellie Doll and of course, the Dark Pinup book release party hosted by my publisher, @wcpublishing that saw incredible burlesque performances by @masuimimax, @dressedtokillyou @@@roxidlite and Jessabell Thunder. That’s all coming, but for the next few lines, I wanted to mention the things I’m looking forward to, rather than the things that’ve already happened.

I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed. I’ve stayed in some beautiful hotels these last few weeks. For once, this trip didn’t have me couch surfing or sleeping on floors. I’m grateful for that, but there’s something indescribably satisfying about laying in your bed after a long trip. I’m so excited to see @vermillionfox and @guthrie. They both marched on after I left, dealing with 18” of snow [...thanks @bryanpollite, for digging them out of the blizzard]. Minnesota is in the 60°’s right now, I’m coming home with enough money that we can do whatever we’d like. Parks, movies, restaurants, zoos. Family time is far long overdue.

Dominara, the new expansion for Magic: The Gathering in Standard is releasing in three days. If you’re not in to MTG, you probably won’t understand the enthusiasm, but these games and the people I play with at @caffetto are a big part of my life. @vermillionfox has been updating me with her wins and losses and it’s really made me sad I couldn’t be there. Magic is the only thing I do for recreation in my life and two weeks without makes @kommienezuspadt a dull boy. Within days of being home, a new set will arrive [...and Dominara looks really good! I wasn’t impressed with Ixalan or Rivals of Ixalan]. I can’t wait to start playing again. Be warned @iamredbar @flaccidfervor and @tarotbyfergus.

A quick note before I wrap up this high altitude blog post. Thank so much, from the bottom of my heart, for those Steemians that’ve purchased a copy of “Dark Pinup”. This was a labor of love for me and @wcpublishing and I’ve felt a special relationship with the books relationship to Steemit. Steemit literally paid for much of the release party expenses [...which were significant]. I’ve also spent the last two years telling the stories behind most of the pictures in the book. Seeing posts like @bryan-imhoff’s, @reinhard-schmid’s and @eveuncovered’s gorgeous review of it’s pages, really touched me. The support for this book has been incredible. Thank you!

Thanks for reading, and bearing with the two weeks I’ve been unable to post while on the road. I’m back now, and looking forward to sharing all the new work and stories from Viva Las Vegas and LA. You can follow me here @kommienezuspadt!

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wow, they all have tattoos in the last picture.. i love tattoos .. and all your pictures are really beautiful.. more power sir @kommienezuspadt.

Hey Lars, seriously, reading this post made me aware of a world I had never heard about (Viva Las Vegas, Pin Up shoots, MTG...).
I can't believe you are still so young and can afford living off a few weeks of photography each year. That sounds like a dream come true (even tho I usually am in front of the camera).
Enjoy what you earned and relax!

Thank you @herbaliblog! Yeah! Viva Las Vegas is a big deal. You should plan a trip next April. Hire a make-up artist and hairstylist that specialize in vintage looks, and buy a few cute dresses and you'd completely break in to a new cultural scene. I do a few other trips and shoots each year, and Steemit has definitely helped fill the gaps between shooting, but yes, VLV is most of my annual income. Thank you very much! It just feel great to have time to blog again.

Sounds like a dream, a flight to Las Vegas from here costs a fortune, but I can save my Steem Dollars :-), would definitely love to go there. Have fun blogging, talk soon

Safe travels and thanks for the update will check out your book! Im a new author and have just released mine so I know how challenging it can be!

Oh! Exciting @tonysayers33. Congratulations! It wasn't that bad for me. @wcpublishing did all the heavy lifting, ordering and getting the books to Viva Las Vegas. I'll check your blog out now.

The lighting on that gathering photo is really lovely. And it seems that you had a lot of tiring but fun adventure :D.


Thank you @scrawly. Yeah, the crowd was huge. During the burlesque performances, people were literally shoulder to shoulder. I had to go up in the sound booth just to see the show.

Congratulations friend, it seems good that your trip has been productive, I'm curious to see your next projects and in advance I wish you success in all ... your photographs are very good ... and the beautiful models hahahaha

Thanks very much @quamce. Yeah, I can't complain. It's a great job.

very nice painting buddy. and hopefully his journey pleases my friend @kommienezuspadt

wooooo,pinupfest,very nice,congratulations.

Yeah, @edurley! Pinup is such a fun subculture to photograph. Everyone has such great style!

Most of them are tattooed😅.
Thanks for sharing

That is true @mnishh.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Though that looks really cool.
Maam please find some min of your valuable time and reply me.
I have a request

You have a beautiful day, because the beauty can only be obtained from a quiet soul. your story is inspiring to me who started steemit. the spirit you convey is also able to hypnotize the readers about the life you just passed. and organize a beautiful future @kommienezuspadt..

Regard me @aulisa512

Hi @kommienezuspadt. I was wondering, where can I order your new book? @beinart! Thanks so much for taking a look at it. @wcpublishing really outdid themselves with this publication. I'm incredibly proud of how it turned out. BTW, I'm really enjoying the dark art you've been featuring on your blog lately.

Thank you! I checked out your publishers website and will definitely order a copy soon. Your photos are amazing by the way! So glad you have enjoyed the Dark Art posts. I'm planning to host another Dark Art group show at our gallery next year. It will likely be an annual event.

Thank you so much for supporting my blog, like that I've just found yours :-) Very cool and artistic storytelling! I'll be following you now.

There's one thing I need to ask you: is your nickname a derivation from the German phrase "I never arrive late"?
Since I'm German I had to ask :-)

See you around!

Maybe. Did you notice the alleged spelling error?


The first name "Lars" sounds german as well.

Of course I did. That's why I asked if it was a derivation (not a translation) :-))

@surfermarly, thank you for the follow and kind words. We joined Steemit around the same time so it's inspiring to see the heights you've reached here as a result of your hard work and dedication in blogging/vlogging. I am German by family. My Oma was from Weinheim/Alzey. The last name is not my real last name. It's actually a from a Tom Waits of the same name [...spelling error is a reflection of that song, @freiheit50. I spelled my name the same was as it appears on the album, "Alice"]. But, yes, in does mean "Come soon, not late", or variations of that sentiment. Also, @surfermarly, I've really enjoyed your thoughts with the upcoming EOS projects.

Oh, that's a nice derivation though :-) I guess not many would think about a music album in that context. Thanks for sharing the secret with us!

the heights you've reached

Oh well, I wouldn't ever define it like that, hehe But thanks!! I'm actually just a storyteller who's been lucky to find an audience :-) It's been hard work, no doubt about that. Yet, I'd never think about the work first but the joy in creating.

EOS is gonna be huge. Next month the first social app on EOS will be launched on an international level, can't wait to try it!

Don't forget to register your EOS ERC20 Tokens in time.

Thanks for the reminder! Already did it :-)

Thank you very much for your answer to me. I just discovered it by chance. Fortunately I didn't come "zu spadt" for giving you a tiny upvote.
Greetings from Munich (a small town in good old Germany)

Congratulations to all your accomplishments. Makes me happy to see, that one can be successful in fields other than soccer as well...

That party looks exquisite. An event I would have loved to be at!

Wishing you a great time back home and continued success 😎

Thank you @reinhard-schmid! Man, I've been trying to find the time to thank you for buying a copy of the book, especially with the high personal cost it came to you with the drive to pick it up at customs. This last two weeks has kept me away from Steemit, unfortunately, but I did read it. Really means a lot. I hope it's a suitable addition to your art book collection. The event was incredible! Definitely the most memorable night of my career to date. @wcpublishing really spared no expense and it was amazing.

You are very welcome. I know how it feels, when time and your attention become your most valuable resources. Plus, anyone who can get your book, has to be thankful to you, for all the time, effort and skill you put into it.

Funny, you should mention my art book collection, as I really have a pretty decent one. Your book is definitely a gem and I have it on my... how do you say in the States.. coffee table?

Have been to a few pretty good openings with my own work and will never forget, how one just gets blown away with such an event! And how good it feels, to sleep in my own bed again ;-)

I am happy @kommienezuspadt that you are here again with us, I liked very much the part where you say that you will have the time to spend it with your family, that is the most important thing that we have in life, although material things we love or need it. it's better to have the family by your side always supporting you.

Hugs and like I gave told you a million times before Friend~ I’m ever so proud of you!!!! Glad you’re home safe with your family💜

Welcome back man, thank you for sharing your experience with us. Steemit has become something that we really enjoyed, and in fact today I showed your work to a friend I'm trying to convince to enter, and just like me it seemed fascinating... Then he said, "that pinup style Do not make any"

In the picture from the window, she looks like a doll!
