Summer Ends

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


The last weekend of august has passed and summer is coming to its end, sadly. They always fly by pretty much instantly for me.

Do you ever tell yourself that this summer you're going to do this and that and you make these plans in your head, maybe write some of them down and then they never come through? That's pretty much how I feel about my summer.


Well, on the other hand, I don't think I am going to begin thinking of things to do this winter. Winters suck in Detroit. It's too cold to even step outside haha. So I'm not gonna.


By the way, these are some random pictures I took in my yard. If you ever found yourself in my yard, you would never think all these plants are in there. You gotta get close and personal with them to notice.
But anyway.

The images were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF - 50mm - F/1.8 lens.

logo by @kookyan

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Meanwhile, the flowers emphasize the power of the desire to live, the summer goes away, but it will come again. Great photos!

Very true. It is not going to get autumn like cold here for like at least another month, but August coming to an end always makes me sad in a way haha.

Thank you!

Yours is ending and ours is starting. I like your hibiscus flowers photo.

Thanks @sanddrift! Those flowers just starting growing in my yard for some reason, I didn't plant them hahaha

i hope summer come again with lots of happy moments and you can make your to do list... hehe but i have already planned my winter list...

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Yeah, summer will come again next year haha. Awesome, planning is important!

God bless you gorgeous

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You miss the summer and we love the winter


Both stations are good, we should always take advantage of it effectively.

For sure haha thanks.

hey @kotturinn. This name is Joba Bengali Name.
Keep posting. Actually visit my blog i am a little photographer.

Nice graphic at the end! You and the cat look cute.😉 Kudos to @kookyan

Oh yeah, @kookyan is the best, check her out! Thanks!

@kotturinn, These words are reflecting as you really love the Summer Season and in my opinion it's one of the best season.

And first picture is really beautiful and really breathtaking to watch and for sure it hold the beauty of Natural Combinations.

And it's reflecting as specially you explore the beauty of flowers and it's great too because for sure in my opinion flowers are Nature's Smile.

And i want to appreciate you because, as you said you explore the nature's aspects closely and in detail, and in my opinion that's an amazing aspect for sure and keep up.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Yes, indeed. I love summer and it is my favorite season of all, although living in the US I learned to appreciate fall too since they have a lot of autumn holidays and flavors (when it comes to food) too.
I like it that you call flowers nature's smile, they definitely make people smile back at nature :)


Great to hear these words. Stay blessed. 🙂

I am kind of more excited of the winter that is on its way :)

While I do am gonna miss the Summer as well

Nicely taken shots by the way !

Hahaha @rehan12! I hate cold winters!

hahaha I do too but I love the feeling of the weather and the nature changing and showing its way of beauty to us !

Well yeah, that is nice of course haha :D

I find no matter what season it is time seems to be flying, the months seem to go by so fast and before you no it its January again.

That is so scary to think about haha, I love January though, only one day out of the whole month actually - the new years day hahaha

How are you friend? I'm back I've been a little absent and busy

The summer although in my country the climate is tropical because I agree with you these thoughts of something I want to do or say that I do often happens to me in my work holidays and the truth nothing that I said I have done everything is a chaos in my country so things are always behind me

I've been doing alright lately, thanks lady! How about you?!

Yeah, life always gets in the way of doing things or work haha. Well, hopefully it will change soon and both you and me will get to do cool things!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ah, you are in Detroit. Summers aren't bad in Detroit, so I forgive you your heresy ;) Summers under you in Indiana (where I grew up) are less fun. Here in Japan they are even less fun. 40 degree days with near 100% humidity. I would be ok if we just started skipping summer. Bring on Autumn!

Plans for events never get finished :) I swear every weekend I tell myself "ok I'm going to do this this and this." Then sunday night comes and I haven't gotten around to any of them. le sigh


I've never been to Indiana haha, I think we drove through it once on the way to Chicago, but that's about it, I actually haven't been to a lot of places in the US, pretty crazy to think about and I've been living here for over three years now.
Le sigh indeed hahaha

It's my Human's birthday on the 30th, and he always said that his birthday "marked the end of summer" when he was a kid in Scandinavia. We know summer here is coming to an end because we start harvesting blackberries and apples. The grass and trees start to look "tired" and we know it's not long till the first autumn storms.

There's cool stuff to photograph, pretty much everywhere... you just have to look!


What an awesome occasion to celebrate the end of summer and your birthday at the same time! Do you still live in Scandinavia?
It's not going to get cold here for at least another month, but it is coming, the winters in Detroit suck bad haha, I wish I could skip them!
Speaking of harvest, you mentioning apples really makes me want to go get some, but it ain't fall yet haha

холод фуфу, я не любить холод)
зато ты будешь зимними вечарами рубиться в игрушечки, игроманка)

Я и летом играю, на прошлой неделе аж 3 штуки прошла :) хахаха

Красивые фотографии!


Beautiful pictures, as always.

Thank you @gsm1974 :D