Pictures of my cat, Mouse.

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Still learning to use the new camera. Seeing some improvement.

I love how pissed off she looks in that one.

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Cats have such a brilliant knack of looking pissed off in photos, its great and that first one is no exception!

May I ask what camera you're using? I'm hoping to buy myself a camera later this year and I need one that is easy to use AND affordable (less than $500 CDN).

This one was only $180 used with the lens. It is a nikon D3000. A bit of an older DSLR but works wonderfully. I guess it doesnt support auto focus lens but to me that isnt a big deal. :)

Can't go wrong with cat pictures. A cat's face has endless expressions.

and 90% of them are pissed off. ;)

She's a cutie!

The most intriguing thing are the colours in the second picture.
Almost as if your cat had put on some sort of savannah makeup ...

I was messing with the white balance. She does have brown on her face but its definitely more intense in this photo. :)