One photo a day challenge (218/365) all year long

in photography •  7 years ago 

This is a picture of one of the orchids that I had a few years back. Repotting the plants somehow killed them. I understand that it is necessary to repot them after some time as the soil looses its vitality- according to online sources.


This particular plant, I must have had it for 2 years.
Another plant that I got was a jasmine. It was so amazing because when it flowered my whole room would smell amazing.

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Great photo, the combination of black and white with colors is wonderful

Beautiful your orchid friend, have an orchid plant in the house is very good for the garden when they bloom, my mom had one in her garden but this was attached to an old tree trunk, is a type of orchids that are not born in the land if not on the trunks of trees.🌸💐Unfortunately the orchid of my mother's garden no longer exists dried and did not bloom again.

They can be pretty delicate. They can’t be in direct sun light, can’t be overwatered and must be ferlized the right way with just a little fertilizer.

Jasmine is a good plant to have. At least the fragrance form it is wonderful.

It is indeed. Have you grown one before?

No. Not yet.

very nice i haven't seen a beautiful flower in almost 14 years in Africa except i see them on the internet .most plants here die young because of poverty

Hhahahahh. This fits like a comedy line.

True lol


You are too funny. That’s not even true.


Beautiful orchid, its color and smell is wonderful, at home I have purple.

The orchid doesn't smell like anything.

Very beautiful I love their colors and their smell and the jaminez are as nice as you are.

Really beautiful orchid. Keep it going @leggy23 you are doing fantastic ;)
Sorry , I have been off Steemit for a little while and getting back into it :)

Welcome back and thank you, I'm more than half way done.

Hello friend, we share that taste, I have days in my daily photo publishing photos of orchids, today publish this.

That's a beautiful one. How long have you had it?

They are from my sister's garden she has many loves those flowers .. In fact that flower is the national flower in Venezuela in many homes in Venezuela there is always one. I do not have but I enjoy a lot when I visit her and I see her garden, from there come all the orchid photos that I have and I have many.

This was among the first I posted when I started with a daily photo.

If you see the bottom of the photo you can see how there are orchid plants


interesting cool focus on that nice separation of colors too good one

Beautiful flower!!
I have no words to define it's beauty!!

amazing photography
which flower this is??

Sometimes, I marvelled at your love for plants.. This is really looking beautiful.

colorful photography