Bad Water

in photography •  8 years ago 

Hi. I'd like to show some photos from Bad Water Bassin in Death Valley

The valley itself is surrounded by mountains and they do not allow air to cool at night and the valley itself resembles a giant red-hot frying pan.
Badwater is the bottom of a dried-up lake 12 km long, which is 86 meters below sea level.

This is the story of one sunset at the bottom of a prehistoric lake.
When I planned a trip here and watched photos from the Internet, I expected to see something like this (the photo is not mine):

Death Valley, CA by Dara Lork on 500px

Salts here are so much that it crystallizes onto the surface and forms almost regular hexahedrons similar to giant alien eggs.
But when I arrived at the place an hour before sunset, I see different picture

18:00. The texture is closest to what I expected to see.

The sun has practically disappeared behind the mountains that surround the valley.

The photos are in chronometric order so that you can understand how the light changed.

And in just 10 minutes the last rays of light on the clouds out

This is exactly the moment when most observers and photographers go back. But we know that this is not the end.

A few visitors reached their cars and parted, only my car was left in the parking lot and I myself am in the middle of a dry lake amid salt and silence in the approaching twilight. And the silence here is incredible, it is thick and dense and envelops from all sides and only sometimes it pierces the sounds of invisible aircraft.
And after 10 minutes something magical began to happen in the sky

And in just two minutes the colors in the sky began to fade

And in 10 minutes from paints in the sky there was only a dull reflection

Well. Now it's for sure. You can certainly stay for another hour in the hope that the clouds will dissipate and the stars will show, but the family is waiting for the hotel, so the stars remain for another time. I decide that if there are suddenly stars, I can always get here at night and have a supper with a clear conscience.
Moral - stay until the last :)

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The second photo is my favorite

Beautiful. Do you have higher resolution? I'd like to have one for a desktop pic.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment