Wat Si Chum, Sukhothai, Thailand (2) 泰國素可泰的席中寺 (二)

in photography •  7 years ago 








That day happened to be the most important festival in Sukhothai as once in 12 years on Dec. 15 of the lunar calendar, the moon would move right at the top of Budda Phra Achana at midnight, the villagers hold a ceremony with dogmas chanting and offerings to the Budda and to the human beings. They had prepared candles to light up the way and the rim of the temple. Under the feet of Phra Achana they placed a large water bowl so that when the moon went up to the top of Phra Achana, the moon will reflect into the water, so the moon and Phra Achana and the water moon would be aligned.

I asked a favor to light up the candle on the way, but when I lit it, a dragonfly came to my little finger and stayed until I walked to the main gate for lighting a wishing candle. It stayed for almost 10 minutes!!! Of course, it came with a purpose, it wanted to join me bringing light to the earth! What an encounter; the dragonfly and the moon festival!

我們是傍晚時來到席中寺, 村民們正在擺設椅子及大道兩旁的蠟燭. 我請求也能一起點燈, 在我點好蠟燭時, 一隻蜻蜓飛來我的小指就不走了, 隨著我一起走到正門點大燈, 前後有十分鐘, 真是神奇! 當然我明白牠是要來一起與我點亮世界!

十二年一次的圓月慶典真是殊勝不已. 每十二年(逢地支午年)的陰曆十二月十五日半夜, 月亮會走到無畏佛的正頭上, 而村民會在祂的腳下 放置一大缽的水, 到時圓月/無畏佛/水中月會連成一線, 此時是有極大的能量由天上下來, 是祝禱祈福最給力的時刻. 附近的村民老老少少, 無一不來參與此盛會! 他們也很歡迎外國人加入一起感恩祝福頌禱! 但是外國人不多, 因為這個盛典沒有對外宣傳, 旅遊書上也沒寫, 大家來到此地即使想加入 或許時間也不允許, 我們剛好今日在此過一夜, 故先回到飯店洗浴換衣後約10點再來到會場共同歡頌. 村民清悠的唱經聲如天樂般的清靈, 充滿愉快喜悅, 真是一場無意中遇見的盛宴啊!






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This is beautiful, I love full moon ceremonies.
Here is my ritual music for full moon:

Beautiful and old temple
I like this temple.

Thank you! Me too!