A Holiday in Seabright!

in photography •  6 years ago 

Just a couple communities up the road live Brendan's parents, we packed up and headed 7 minutes away to enjoy a beautiful weekend retreat.


You Would Have Thought We Were Leaving the Country

The kids started packing 2 days before we went there, and I think they thought we were leaving for months by how much stuff they brought with them.


Must bring all Stuffies!


This is how much we packed for a one night sleepover! I think Oma and Opa were scared we were moving in permanently...


The Drive In

Beautiful, sparkling water and carefully tended landscapes...



Let the Games Begin!

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This game is called "boom ball". Basically they hit the ball, it goes into the blackberry thorns and then you spend 20 minutes looking for the ball while getting critically wounded and repeat.

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Doesn't @hendrix22 look so great with those peonies though? Hehehehe...


There were many matches of Ladder Golf...

One match went to 50 points. I can't believe the attention span the kids have for games!





At this point you may be wondering where are all the photos of @marionbowes and I? Well, we were enjoying the beautiful deck and having some woman time. We're always surrounded by so much testosterone it was a great respite to just chill with unlimited coffee and snacks and talk the days away.


Deck Pretties


Let's Go to the Beach!

Just a quick walk down the hill to Marion and Craig's water access. There's a quaint little beach and it was just the perfect day to be down there. A gentle breeze, the hot sun and the kids' favourite playground: Sand and Water.


There's Maid Marion :) And Craig looking like: Hey aren't you gonna help me with this? LOL!

Talk to the foot Craig, talk to the foot...



I just love this line of trees and enjoyed watching them dancing in the wind.


My Little Swimmers


Oma & Opa got the boys some boogie boards and they had a blast swimming with them!

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And we had a blast just watching them shriek with joy...




Okay, maybe the shrieking wasn't that great haha, but the boys always scream when they first get to the water, after about 45 minutes they calm down and enter a total zen state where you don't even know they're around. Vitamin SEA y'all!


Building sand castle: Attempt 1


Awww nuts...try again...



Oh my goodness, the look of delight on their faces when they got their castle to stand melted my heart! I love that they didn't give up, and kept revising their technique to get it to work. I know it seems like something so small, but doing things like this all on their own builds self worth.


Dad joined in the fun after as well and did a #Ulog about it last night:
Ulog 5: Castles Made of Sand By @hendrix22

All in All an Epic, and Tiring (in the good way) Day at the Water


Let's Eat More!

Bwa hahahaa, in typical Lyndsay fashion I didn't take any photos of food because I was too busy eating the first day and night, but I got my act together on day 2 and got a few snaps of some favourite treats.

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Maid Marion, the bronze Goddess, creating her homemade Ceaser Salad Dressing, omg you guys will need this recipe, I hope she posts it soon *hint hint...


With homemade croutons too, they are do DIE FOR!



It was also so great to be eating outside the whole time. Nothing better than meals on their deck overlooking their beautiful gardens and St. Margaret's Bay.


And dessert: Opa's brownies! In typical holiday fashion we all gained 10 pounds (only the adults though lol the kids burned it all off and more).


I'll leave you with a few photos of our favourite lazy feline: Joey Cat...


I iz not imprezed with my lack of browniez...


Thanks for coming along for our wonderful weekend, I hope you had an awesome time wherever you are! Sending love always and no matter what...KEEP ON STEEMIN!

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Ok.. completely sneeky. I thought you did not have the camera with you. Much to my surprise you had it all the time. Super great pics and I think I will book a weekend at that B and B. lol. When you sent me that pic on my phone I didn't quite grasp it at first. Was not sure what it was. I thought I was bending over in my chair. Now I see. How lovely. Let's do this again. I miss it already so much fun. xx

Yeah, I did miss a lot of photos due to the absolute awesome relaxing time I was having, but managed to snap quite a few in the end.

Missing your deck Woman!! Enjoy...

aww ya..that deck eh...i just might sleep out there tonight

Hey @lyndsaybowes it really looks as though you're making the most out of every day of Summer .. respect because in a blink of an eye it will soon be gone and many won't have stepped outside their offices to enjoy it.

What a stunningly beautiful part of the world you live in .. you've given your boys the best possible start in life, in an area where children can be just that and wow that food is a post in itself .. Thank you for sharing another beautiful slice of Bowes heaven :)

Omg I love ladder golf.. good times

Fabulous one!!!

Hi, nice to meet you @wizkhalifa1 and welcome to the STEEM blockchain <3

same to u

When the sand castles don't work, I blame the sand!

And I could really go for that salad right now :D

Thanks for the love, back at ya!

Bwa hahhaaa, I'll have to tell the boys your sandcastle strategy :) Thanks so much for visiting us Asher xoxoxo

Well it's not so much of a strategy, a bit more like blaming the tools - a sign of a poor craftsman! :D

I'm doing the rounds today, been a bit slack on commenting elsewhere!

@lyndsaybowes, Such a adorable photography. Both of your princes doing lot of fun activities. Swimming on the sea one thing. Beautiful nature indeed near the sea. Flowers tough my heart. Weather being better. Blue sky. Delicious food making. Nice stuff.

Aww, thank you so much for always enjoying my photo @madushanka!

Wow, this is fantabulous.

HAHA right on, I love that word!

Nice family vacation! Really nice photos. Love the kids enjoying the water! Tell Opa that his brownies look scrumptious! Nice deck too. Lovely place to hang out with some cool iced tea...

Aww, I'll get @marionbowes to pass it along! They were so scrumpdidleyumptious!! Super fluffy...chewy...chocolaty goodness!!!

good news, injoy your life.

Looks like you all had a great family weekend!