So yeah. I quit my job, since it was draining me out and the boss was getting on my nerves.
So I took the freedom to book a four month around the world trip to Nepal, New Zealand, the Cook Islands and the USA.
Long story short:
I love photography, it's one of the very few activities, that let me zone out within a few minutes and forget about anything around me. A camera is like a magical portal to me, that transfers me into a near state of bliss.
So, here I am, happy to share some of my most favorite pictures I took along my trip starting off with Kathmandu in Nepal with the goal of getting to the Everst Base Camp eventually.
I experienced Kathmandu as the most exhausting and annoying city I have ever visited and it seemed to me as an human equivalent to an anthive.
People spitting, bumping into each other, talking in a screaming volume. Every corner is inhabited, their living quarters like tunnels, above and below and to every side, dug into the big, convoluted pile of a city that is Kathmandu. Smog polluted and very dusty nearly impossible to breath without breathing protection in the busy areas.
As interessting of an experience it was, I will never go back again.
I really want to let the pictures speak for themselves but if there's something interessting to add, I'll make sure to mention it. Also, feel free to ask.