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I would like to collect wild mushrooms, but I am afraid of accidentally getting a poisonous one.

Lolz!! My dad has a ranch in east Texas and I have been mushroom hunting. You must know which species you pick up to eat because the consequences could be fatal. I know that there are roughly 3000 species of mushrooms and only 60ish are deadly... With that being said, a third of those are found in pastures like my dads. So I will give my fool proof method when checking to see if they are edible or not.

  • Rule number 1: Never eat one if you can't identify the mushroom 100%
  • Rule number 2: Take spore prints
    • This is easy.. All you need is a solid glass ( non-transparent ), some tin foil or blank white paper , and the mushroom you're identifying.
      • Place the gills face down onto the paper or tinfoil with the cap facing upwards and place the cup over the mushrrom. Now come back about 30-45 minutes later and this is what you will have...


Also Beware of the LBM's ( Little brown mushrooms ). They are most commonly mistaken for pycilicyben cubensis but in fact very deadly.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

When you take the spore print what do you do with it? Is there a website that has spore print pictures? Is there certain things you look for? How does that help you identify it?