in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

Larry treats Mommy with a big wet kiss.



Everybody loves Mommy, everybody that is but Scary Mary the Demon cat.


When Mary's up in the house from the basement, the rest of the cats give her plenty of space.

DSCN0979 (2).JPG

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From what I have seen so far, I guess Scary Mary is scary to both humans and cats, at your place. The glowing eyes are a nice touch!


She loves me dearly and lets other people close with no problem. All cats, her 3 kids included wants no part of. Dexter has a small cut right next to to an eye. I can only assume from who.

Aww, she's doing her best "What, me? I'm just a sweet innocent kitty" look, while sitting firmly on something you probably wanted to read.

She is a home grown terrorist. Dexter has the scars ti prove it.

I don't doubt it. Cats have this uncanny ability to look sweet just when they're planning to do something diabolical!

Great photos of everybody!! 🐈

There are 8 more. lol

So beautiful! 😸 even little demon lord

Yes they are living dolls.

I believe Scary Mary would love to meet my Evil Betty. It would be like opening the gates of hell.

Scary Mary is small. hisses, and has a very quick jab. Will not allow a cat , I have 10, 3 are Scary's kids, near her. Luckily none of my cats are aggressive and back down from her. How many cats do you have and are they all black or related. You should do a post on them.

Thats so sweet! I still think Scary Mary is cute too, she's got attitude.

She is very cute .... images.duckduckgo.jpg

She is looking like a cat with an attitude with those ears. lol on the eyes.

Terror cat. sweet is that they could really teach the humans something :)

They have their bad days to just like us. :-)

I am sure they do but nice to make up again :)

Yes.... :-)

Aw, sweet Larry and Mommy. I love that photo! I laughed when I saw the photo of Scary Mary the "Demon cat." Those eyes! But she looks so sweet and innocent. Hopefully one day I will see a photo of Scary Mary snuggling with another cat.

Like obama's Hope and Change.