Mushrooms occurring in Europe - Clathrus archeristeemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  5 years ago 


Clathrus archeri - Mushroom grows buried in the ground, then slightly protruding from the white, root mycelium cords. In the young phase it has a spherical or ovoid shape, slightly flattened forming the so-called devil egg light gray to brownish, reaching a diameter of 20 to 50 mm. Under the membranous skin is a gelatinous layer of mucus surrounding the red and magenta curled arms of the actual fruiting body (prescription). As it matures, the egg breaks freeing 4 to 8 arms initially joined together at the top reminding the shape of a cephalopod. In the mature phase, the red-magenta arms, 50 to 100 mm long, are placed on a short, cylindrical stem of white-cream color and stretched radially. The inner shoulder layer is covered with dark olive mucous spore mass. The spores are spread by insects and snails lured by the aroma of the larva, just as it is for other amphibians.

Flesh is very crumbly, spongy, porous, with a structure resembling the structure of a honeycomb. The smell is repulsive, reminiscent of the smell of carrion or faeces.

Occurrence: Individually or in groups in July - October on litter of deciduous and coniferous forests, in places rich in organic matter, decomposed wood. Especially often in places in places with structure disturbed by human activity. It also occurs in meadows.

Value: Unaffected fungus.

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