The fate of farmers who fail to harvest

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is the impact of the flood disaster in 2017, causing the loss of tens of hectares of rice fields due to flooding in Aceh Utara District, Aceh Province, Indonesia.

Flood disaster has passed for a while, now people have started to rise after the flood disaster that reached 2 meters in 2017 ago.

Despite the crop failure, the community continues to rise up as usual, as most villagers, the source of economic search depends only on rice farmers and plantations.



All this my photos, camera Canon DLRS 700D / Thank you for visiting my steemit blog, follow & vote @maskur2840.

Do not forget to visit my previous four posts ??

[1] Colourfulphotography : Photo zooming

[2] Natural coffee from aceh

[3] Rapai became a typical art of aceh

[4] Holiday at the top of the

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post yg bagus. saya sudah upvote
tetap semangat ya bang..
kujungi dan follow juga saya @najapranata
saya di sini masih pendatang baru di steemit

trimakasih @narajapranata.
selalu kunjungin saya.

Kita disini saling membagi...

Kreatifff.. cakep

terimakasih @icall123.
postigan kamu juga bagus2??

This post has received gratitude of 0.77 % from @appreciator thanks to: @maskur2840.

Sebagian wilayah di Kabupaten Aceh Utara merupakan daerah langganan banjir. Setiap tahun bisa terjadi 1-3 kali banjir. Pemerintah sudah berusaha untuk mengatasinya, namun prilaku masyarakat setempat, seperti membuang sampah di saluran air, juga menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Menurut saya, budaya gotong royong harus digalakkan kembali.

ooooo terimakasih pak @bim.scouting atas pemahamannya, yaa alangkah baiknya seperti itu. tapi ada orang lain yang lebih tidak manusiawi, yaitu para illegal logging kayu di pegungan yg mengakibatkan banjir ke kawasan penduduk, pemerintah harus mengambil sikap.