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I've never eaten an egg that issued from anything other than a chicken (as far as I know). It looks like I'd need a dozen or so of those.

I don't think you are alone on this one, you know when I used to live in South America quail eggs were super common, a daily thing almost... So I missed them, and decided to get some quails a few years ago.

Give them a try, you won't be disappointed

Son huevos de codorniz!!. Recuerdo que cuando estaba pequeño comía mucho de esos, mi mama me los compraba. Son muy ricos.

exactamente, yo tambien los comia cuando era pequenio, y pues ahora que ya me estan saliendo las canas tengo 11 pajaritos en mi patio! jajajaj

Cool man.

You've had them before I'm sure... with salsa rosada... I can eat 20 of them in one sitting.

loll.. could they be more tasty?

they are delicious, right?

Do you raise Quails...that's amazing. Urban coup, live in the country? I've always wanted to get chickens...but stupid bylaws.

As for quail eggs...they seem almost too small to eat. How do you prepare them?

we hard boil them most of the time... and then with some salt and pepper... they are delicious...

sounds good. Would probably be good in a salad too.

thank you for useful post.

Congratulations @meno.
Have more quail eggs?

they lay every day!


WOW! everyday...

ohhh nice post