in photography •  7 years ago 

I travel a lot, but if you'd ask me what was the best i would go for Philippines, Montenegro and Switzerland.

Lately I've decided to go to Japan.

I've bough a tickets and thats it. 5 days in Tokio and Kyoto, ale here you got couple of shots from my trip








All pictures were taken with my own iPhone 6sPlus, nothing more.
Simple as that.

Now it's your turn!

Let my know how your trips looks like! Take your camera/phone and go out, take some shots and share them on Steemit!
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Just take a pic, and tag them with hashtag: #mglowas #glowas

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awesome colors man, I really like the picture with the umbrellas, honestly really good.

In case you wanna check my pics, I posted a lit recently, didn't tag them with your hashtag yet cause I didn't know, but maybe you can consider them anyways and help me getting started here on steemit.

I followed you anyways, excited to see more of your pics,



Obviously i will go and check out your mr.wonderlust page!

Awesome shots @mglowas 👌🏼 I haven't seen someone crush light exposure with an iPhone like you. Well done sir! Assume you are using an app to extend the shutter speed? Cheers to travel my friend

Thanks mate! years or practise here

Love it my friend - keep it up!

Every picture is just great! Amazing job, huge talent!

If we are talking about talents lets just stop and take a look on ypur pictures. Breathtaking!