Get in close to read it - Photo Post 5 - Summer Vancouver 2017

in photography •  7 years ago 

Well, my theory of 'adding more tags = more post attention' was not true. Looks like its strictly about post quality...or maybe just photo appeal, I'll keep sharing, hopefully something pops off and people check out the rest of the blog.

I used to be heavily involved with a website called Chalkthoughts. A close friend and I were walking around our towns adding chalk thoughts, the point was always to have a cool background with some sort of inspirational quote. As we got older and busier, we were posting less and less, and the website has become quite stagnant. We had a pretty big following in Southern Ontario during the summers of 2012 and 2013. We were featured in newspapers and a couple local TV stations. But, as any blog or online project, you need to keep posting. One thing I definitely learned from that process, is that this is all about posting, even if you don't feel you are getting many views, you have to keep posting.

Nude Parks 4 Nude Parts, Vancouver, BC

Strangely enough, after a few years of not posting anything to, this series of chalk writing was seen all over East Van this summer. We ended up posting it on Chalkthoughts cause I really enjoyed seeing these all over the city. Posted it on Reddit as well hoping the author would reveal themself, but to no avail. I love this photo, I hope you do too.

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