RE: From my summer in Italy

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From my summer in Italy

in photography •  7 years ago 

I would love to learn how to develop myself. I heard developing colour is super tough though. I am a chemistry teacher but have never had the balls to try it myself. Im too scared to ruin a roll. Is it much cheaper to do it yourself? I pay about 30$ to get them digitized at my local photo shop.

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colour is quite easy. traditional perfect colour is extremely hard. artisitic-experimental colour is fun, easy and great ;)
Developing film is quite simple, only temperature /time is critical. If you can't keep ~38C for the standard 3.15 minutes developement (e.g. Tetenal chemistry), you can also do it at 20C for ~17 minutes. Results in a bit less contrast. All you need is a Jobo drum or alike.
DIY fil developing should cost about 4€/Roll, but you still need to print or scan your negatives.
Printing is more complex because you need an enlarger and a print processor (print chemistry also should be at 35-38C).
But as a chemistry teacher you might have some important knowledge: There is some substance one can add to the paper processing chemistry, that makes it possible to work at room temperature.
Anyways, there are simple an playful ways, and I am happy to help.

Interesting! Thanks for your advice.