Perspective Art

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

I know my postings are a bit random but I just have to share this.

After two years of living in another town I eventually moved back to my hometown Osnabrück now. And today I enjoyed going for a walk, to see all the places where I used to hang out. I came across a strangely painted house front.


I asked my self "Is this supposed to be art?"
Slightly confused I looked behind me and saw this.


So yes, this must be some sort of art... well, why not. And I just went on. After a few dozen steps I looked back once again and then it clicked. :D


I just had to go back and take these pictures.
Glad to be back! :D

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I thought it was real for a second before I look a little closer haha.
I might have to get my eyes check out.
Great Photographs

What do you mean by "I thought it was real for a second" ? It totally is. But I guess my smartphone tries some fancy stuff with colors it seems.

Wait the blue strips are actually real?

Of course they are. That's the points. I have no photoshop on my computer. ;)

nice photos