hallo friend steemit it all.jambu honey has a very sweet taste, not only that guava honey also has many benefits for the health of the body. here are the benefits of guava for health honey body.
sufficient water needs in our body. High enough water content in the guava honey is about 93% in 100 g it can be said to be able to help meet the water needs in the human body.
improve the body's immune system. Guava contains a considerable amount of vitamin C 22 mg in 100 g of fruit. Vitamin C is required by the body to maintain and improve the body's immunity so as not to be susceptible to disease.
taking care of immunity. often Consume Guava honey can improve skin moisture because the water content in the guava honey is large enough and its nature as a water holder can keep the skin from dryness.
lower cholesterol levels in the body. Guava consumed regularly can help the body destroy bad cholesterol that triggers the risk of heart disease.
good for eye health. The content of vitamin A in the guava of honey can improve eye health.
launching the digestive system. One alternative to smooth your digestion is by consuming guava honey.