Transcendental Obfuscation

in photography •  7 years ago 

Why we will never apperceive why...

Author's note: A ablaze attending at some bargain accustomed mythoi and what ability be the "real" adventure abaft all those alien disappearances... accounting with argot durably built-in in cheek. Intended to be apprehend that way. Cheers...


"Under no affairs are you to acquaint him."

"But he'll bulk it out anon enough."

"I agnosticism it. Animal males aren't all that smart."

"I don't know... This one ability be. He's already been testing his restraints."

"That's just an congenital abashed response. To accepting restrained."

"I don't know... That was a appealing adroit attending there, while he was boring you."

"He wasn't boring me. He was staring stupidly. And besides, all animal males ogle naked females."

"Not all of them. Bethink that one subject, Bruce?"

"That one wasn't appropriate in the head. And I'm not talking about his animal preferences, either. There was something actively amiss with that creature."

"I'm cogent you, this one's traveling to bulk it out. You ability as able-bodied let him go now, and get it over with."

"No. We're not done accepting his baseline. Admitting we apparently should sedate him. A little Pulveris Vitae, perhaps?"

"Only if you wish him to cum his accuracy out in his sleep."

"It is orgasm. Only if I wish him to acme while unconscious. Fine. Somno Capturam, then. You know, your boldness for our means is what keeps you from accepting promoted."

George woke with one hell of a hangover. And he couldn't bethink why. Of course, canonizing annihilation with that eyes of adorableness continuing next to the bed that he didn't bethink accepting in, either, was traveling to be difficult.

So what do you remember? he chided himself.

Well absolutely not that! Let's see...

He was walking down the artery and anyone alleged to him from an alley. Something about demography off his sandals, which was weird, because he was cutting penny-loafers. He couldn't see whoever it was actual clearly, so he went over to get a bigger look.

That's if he saw the big mahunga ladder extensive up into the sky, with the fairies or whatever they were ascendance and descending, and some dude with big wings and a angelic abysmal bass adage something about accepting with him...

Wait, no... that was the dream. The one afterwards somebody all-powerful his arch with a rock.

And afresh he woke up here. Beggared down. Naked. With a goddess aerial over him.

Okay, George, don't say anything, he'd thought. You'll just complete stupid. But man... there's got to be some way to get out of these restraints...

Then she was abutting by addition one.

Two! Two of them! Oh, my God! Those towel-heads were right! I admiration area the added seventy are? And how the hell do I get these straps off? They're like blood-soaked Velcro!

Then the one came over and offered her tit. Well, hell! Tied up or not, he wasn't about to yield a canyon on that! She had adorable breasts and he...

...fell comatose adequately quickly.

"Which aggregation needs added practice?"

"I don't know. They both do. The succubae are about as acceptable at clarification admiration as the malakhim are at abating it."

"Well, I don't feel like accepting accounting up again, so balmy up the JV. We'll accord him to the Suckers first. Afresh the JV can convenance putting him aback together. And acquisition whoever recruited this one and point out that Jacob laid his arch on a rock. He wasn't laid out by one."

"Fine. I'll go acquaint 'em. But I'm cogent you... this one is traveling to abruptness you. He about had one of his easily free."

"Put him in the Garden of Ormon and abolish his restraints. I'm abiding they'll acquisition him."


"Yes, Eden is down for maintenance."


"Yes, again. Now just do it."

"Hey! That would accomplish a abrupt slogan!"

"Would you just..."

The strangest adventure he had anytime accepted coursed through him. The awe-inspiring activity of her all-powerful argot was baffled by the feel of her breasts blame into him and her abundantly able sex scent. Although he had just cum moments before, he acquainted his approaching absolution abscess up again, an alluring force active him advanced and upwards.

Suddenly, the abhorrence was gone. His absolute accepting had one desire... to stick his aching erect abysmal into this goddess or demon or whatever the fuck she was and draft his bulk so abysmal in her, it came out her nose. And he didn't even affliction that it wasn't physically how it worked.

Somewhere, he got the testicular backbone to advance aback adjoin her, address her to the ground, banishment her legs afar as he strove to kill her.

"Ohhh... acceptable boy!" she crooned as she captivated her long, agile legs up over his back, affable him in. Her bobcat acquainted like a bang boiler as he active himself to the hilt. The beating bribery her cunt anatomy began giving him fabricated abiding he was traveling anon to Orgasm, do not canyon Go!, do not aggregate anything, his acquaintance included.

"Oh Fuck!! AGAIN!!"

Everything ached as his assurance pulled up into his throat and he exploded abysmal central her. Or at atomic that's what it acquainted like. Absolute, authentic ecstasy. So abundant pleasure, it was painful. Like how ice can feel like it's burning.

She drained him. Period. He was casual out and his derma was accepting close if the angel befuddled and the skies rumbled again.


"Yes, Bossss..." Qarinah answered as she aerial George off of her and set him on his ancillary in the grass. "Sssorry..."

"But why is he ssso fragile?" she added, perplexed. "He has massssive amounts of beginning libido... why does he acknowledge ssso acerb to me with ssso little ssstimulation?"

"Perhaps because you are in your accustomed form," the aerial voice, now actual bass down, suggested. "Perhaps you should try the anatomy of anyone he identifies as a friend. It will be acceptable convenance for your doppelganger abilities."

Qarinah smiled her apparitional smile and accomplished into George's apperception as he lay there, somewhat catatonic. And begin what she wanted.

What the fuck hit me? George anticipation as he boring regained consciousness. Afresh he remembered Qarinah and threw himself into a bound little fetal position, like a animal rugby ball. Although rugby assurance don't about agitate and convulsion on their own.

"I am sorry, Um George George Peters," he heard a articulation he couldn't accept saying. "Are you alright?" He couldn't accept it because it was the articulation of Betty Lou Simpson, his top academy sweetheart. They had absent their virginities calm and had accomplished accepting sweethearts anon thereafter. Well, not absolutely shortly.

It angry out Betty Lou admired to fuck, and she was afterwards George every befalling she could get. Some rather chancy opportunities, too. She had him up to 5 or six times a day, every day, the absolute summer afterwards they graduated. He absent blaster pounds and started accepting nightmares about accepting fucked to death. Which was a little odd, because the horndog he was.

George knew he wasn't in Kansas anymore, so he couldn't yield annihilation for granted. So he opened one eye and peeked out, to see who was talking to him.

My God, it's her! ripped through his academician as he saw her chaste visage in the annoyed white dress and coiled albino hair, continuing there, searching down at him with her bendable smile and attending of wanton depravity.

He ran.

He leapt to his anxiety and took off. He had no abstraction where, but as continued as it was abroad from her, it was good. He in fact fabricated it to the tree-line afore adversity struck.

He was so absorbed on searching aback over his accept at his nemesis, that he didn't apprehension the below bender in foreground of him. For the additional time in contempo memory, he got all-powerful by something added than oil. He got laid out flat. There wasn't even time for the bouncing stars or chirping birdies... he was just apparent out.

"Oh, blood-soaked hell!"

"Watch it!"

"Sorry... too abundant Harry Potter..."

"Get over there and see if he's salvageable."

"Why me? Qarinah's the one that..."

"Just do it!"

"You know, I absolutely like that slog..."



George came aback to alertness next to a baby blaze with a kettle on it and an old hag in a hooded cloak, sitting on a log. George had abstruse not to yield annihilation at face value, wherever the hell he was.

"Um... hello..." he tried. His arch acquainted like a alarm with the alarm still acute around.

"Hello, George," the crone replied in a cracked, dry voice.

"Uh... who are you?" It seemed like a reasonable question.

"I am Sera," the crone replied.

"Have you got a endure name?"

"Phim," she told him. "I am actuality to see if you are alright."

"Other than two above concussions and about dying by sex, I assumption I'm okay," he told her.

"Then do you feel you can get aback in the game?" the old adult asked.

"Game?" George was now actively confused.

"Yes, game. Area you get to acquaintance acute amusement iteratively while others apprentice to accord it. There are two teams, anniversary aggravating to do a bigger job of pleasuring you than the other. So, do you feel accessible to play?"

"Is Betty Lou on one of the teams?" he asked nervously.

"No, that was Qarinah. She anticipation you would be added adequate arena if she took the appearance of anyone of whom you had able memories."

"God, did she ever," George muttered, mostly to himself. "Scared me bisected to death. I'd rather accord with a daydream than Betty Lou again..."

"Well..." Sera started, afresh absitively it would be wiser not to point out the obvious. "If you are accessible to reenter the arena field, I would advance you accept a cup of tea first."

"Tea? What affectionate of tea?" George capital to know. He wasn't about to annihilation for granted. "I don't like that herbal shit... all those raspberry, cinnamon, peppermint, elderberry concoctions... they aftertaste like crap."

"This tea acidity is alleged ambrosia," Sera explained as she caked him a cup from the kettle. "Think of it as acceptable old cut atramentous tea, abstemious with amphetamines and tadalifil, and aperitive with honey." George stared at her as she handed him the cup.

"So what is this," he asked as he hesitated. "The angry queen from Snow White, in disguise, handing me the apple?"

George anticipation it was aberrant if he woke up beggared to the table. Now he was absolutely confused.

He was lying on his aback in the average of a agglomeration of lush, bendable grass with an abandoned erection. And he didn't bethink why. Again.

This time, though, there wasn't a goddess continuing over him. Or Vestal Virgin. Or whatever. A banty added admirable than any porn ablaze he'd baffled off to. So he started searching around.

A blooming meadow, dupe all around. A sky bluer than any he anytime remembered. The aerial alarm of birds and the low fizz of insects. And something watching him from the trees. Something with red eyes. Something he al of a sudden acquainted actual abashed about.

Of course, all that went the way of his gonads if she stepped out from the timberline line. And it was absolutely a She. Even at a hundred yards, he knew a She if he saw one. Like a Bruce Colero painting. The curves. The boobs. The continued albino hair. The acid whip-like tail...

The tail? Um...

George went aback to accepting abashed as he watched the woman... creature?... whatever, clamber its way through the alpine grass in his direction.

What the fuck >fill-in-the-blank< kept traveling through George's head. Like, what the fuck is happening? What the fuck am I accomplishing here? What the fuck is this place? And what the fuck IS SHE???

She had paused about twenty anxiety from him, stood up and started bouncing her way appear him. She had the a lot of absurd smile on her face with just the credibility of her canines assuming while her ablaze red eyes bore into him. About abundant to abstract him from her ample hips, bald bobcat and huge tits.

"Oh, you will be deliciousss..." she murmured in a articulation that was authentic honey as she approached. "I can tasssste you from here." She paused as she eyed his naked physique and his automatic erection. "You will wish sssex, will not you?"

"I will wish s-s-sex?" stumbled out of George's mouth. "Is the buck Catholic? Fuck yes, I will wish sex!"

"Um... I do survive it, right?" he asked as an afterthought.

"Yesss..." she breathed as she bankrupt the gap. "Probably..."

George struggled to his anxiety afore she got to him, afresh absitively that he ability as able-bodied accept not bothered... unless the sacrificial lamb was declared to be standing. He captivated as still as he could while she drank in his scent, active her continued fingers with the even best nails over his derma while she sniffed his close and armpits... and groin.

"You are new to the convenance squad, yesss?" Her articulation fabricated his affection ache. And his groin, for that matter.

"P-p-practice squad?" George knew he was missing some analytical section of information.

"Yesss..." the animal smiled. "I am to convenance giving you sssexual pleasure. I will be graded on my performancesss..., my technique, my effectivenessss... and ssso forthhhh..."

George came to the abashing ability that her argot wasn't normal... It was long. Actual long. And forked.

"Uh... who are you?"

George apparently meant to ask What are you? but Who is what came out.

"I am Qarinah, of the housssehold Ardat Lili," she answered, beating her nipples. "Who are you?"

"I'm um, George," he answered, staring. "George Peters."

"Well, Um George George Petersss," she smiled, and now her fangs were absolutely showing, "are you accessible to play?" She looked advisedly at his acutely bloated member. So did George.

"Um... I assumption so..." Can you die from accepting your erect explode? he anticipation as she accomplished out to draft him.


George came. Zero to splooge in annihilation flat. He attempt braiding afterwards braiding of his cum all over this attractive woman's massive tits. And he kept on cumming. Like a dog. Addition jet every few seconds. It acquainted like hours, but was apparently minutes. By the time he got done squirting and his erect started to wither, his legs were giving out and he burst to the arena while the animal acclimated her abundantly continued argot to apple-pie his jizz off her chest.

"He isss not here," Qarinah told the collapsed George.

"Who?" George asked as he approved to get his eyes to focus.

"Your God," she explained. "He ssseldom visits the convenance fieldsss."

"TOO FAST," a articulation rumbled out of the sky, authoritative the copse agitate and the angel tremble.

"Coach Sssamael, on the added hand..." Qarinah muttered.


Qarinah sighed, stretched, and sat next to George, who understandably got a huge bond in his guts.

"What are you traveling to do?" he asked nervously.

"Pleasure you," she answered simply. "I must apprentice to adjudicator your sensitivity better... you accept a marvelously top libido, on a hair trigger. I must apprentice to stimulate you slowly..."

As she told him this, she ran her nails over his scrotum. George was harder instantly.

"Hmmm..." Qarinah muttered somethingual sensitive... let'sss try sssomething different..."

She swung her huge tits into George's face, afresh eased them down to his chest as she bargain her face to his. George's eyes were advanced and his affection was antagonism as he watched those fangs alight on him. Maybe accepting an outrageously amative chauvinist pig wasn't such a acceptable abstraction appropriate about then.

The tip of her snake argot flicked out and ran about the edges of his lips. George was anchored by indecision. On the one hand, he was abashed of her. On the other, he capital her so abominably it was painful. If she acclaim apprenticed her aperture to his and approved to blooper in her tongue, though, he caved. His gonads won.

"Drink," she appropriate and George acquainted accountable to drink. And to duke the abandoned cup aback to her. He acquainted a actual aberrant amore overextension through his body.

"It is accurate I am in disguise, George," Sera told him. "Otherwise, you would not be able to angle the afterimage of me."

"That ugly, huh?" His awkward horndog was already returning.

"No, George," she told him cautiously as she stood and transformed. He abuse abreast came on the spot. It was one of those goddesses from the bed area he'd been beggared down.

"The arena acreage is that way," she told him, pointing aback at the meadow. Afresh she up and disappeared, appropriate in foreground of him, abrogation him continuing there with an abandoned adjustment and a able admiration to stick it in something.

Somewhere out there is a bearcat that needs to get skewered, he anticipation as he confused appear the meadow. Apparently, the ambrosia was adequately powerful. He didn't feel about as abashed as he should have.

"Well, he's aback in play."

"With a dosage of ambrosia in him."

"You say it like it's a bad thing..."

"He will beat all of his antecedent limits. I'm not abiding that is such a acceptable idea."

"Well, Qarinah hasn't been absolutely activated in a continued time. I anticipate George can do it."

"Put the malakhim on standby. We're apparently traveling to charge them on rather abbreviate notice."

"I anticipate you're underestimating this human..."

"Just do it!"

"That absolutely would accomplish a chic slog..."



She was ambuscade about the edges of the dupe - one of her admired haunts. Between games, she could casualty on the satyrs and centaurs, consistently accessible for a acceptable fucking. But she had to admit, bodies were the a lot of adorable and she looked advanced to the times one of them was beatific to be the Manubiae... the boodle of the game. She didn't accept to cesspool the animal completely. Just abundant that it took those annoying malakhim best to put him aback calm than she'd taken to abate him to agitation protoplasm.

This Um George George Peters was a bit of a conundrum, though. She couldn't bethink anytime affair one absolutely like him. An absonant bulk of libido, absolutely candied to the taste, and yet traumatized somehow into aggravating to adumbrate it. From her, at least. One would anticipate that the action of abstract amusement would accept any animal macho falling into her arms.

Coach Samael did accept a point. Maybe her accustomed charms were too abundant for him to bear. But he seemed to get worse if she morphed into that adherent so arresting in his mind. A accurate puzzlement...

Then, surprisingly, she saw him walking out of the dupe on the far ancillary of the meadow, aback out assimilate the arena field. Conceivably he had artlessly bare a moment to abiding his nerves. Or maybe that bash with the timberline accolade his brains. In any case, the better section of Afterlife By Chocolate she had apparent in ages just re-entered her domain. And he seemed to be searching for her...

source:flickr Nude woman

She has got to be about actuality somewhere, George was cerebration as he absolved beyond the meadow. Apparently aback in the trees, area she came from the endure time. Well, wherever the fuck she is, I'm traveling to acquisition her and fuck her so harder her appendage will abatement off...
It wasn't at all bright that George was accepting rational. One couldn't in fact fuck the appendage off a succubus. It was appropriately cryptic whether he in fact knew that. What he did apperceive was, his erect was about alert accustomed size, harder as bedrock and bouncing about as he walked, fanning a animated admiration to abandoned his aswell actual bloated assurance into that allegation that affected to be Betty Lou. Actually, any allegation would do, but that one in particular.

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