VietNam - The hidden charm (Part IV)

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)
  • Today, I have a few photos of the flowers would like to introduce to you, Steemians :)

    Hoa 22.jpg

  • Lotus Flowers - Symbol of Rebirth and the Sun:
    Hoa 12.jpgHoa 21.jpg

  • Anybody who has seen a beautiful lotus flower emerging from water cannot fail to be impressed by its beauty.
    Hoa 19.jpgHoa 17.jpgHoa 18.jpg

  • Sunflowers:
    Hoa 24.jpgHoa 25.jpgHoa 26.jpgHoa 28.jpg

  • Astonishing “hoa dao” (Cherry blossoms,) one of Vietnam’s commonest floral adornments during Tet (Lunar New Year,)
    Hoa 8.jpg
    Hoa 9.jpgHoa 13.jpgHoa 14.jpgHoa 23.jpgHoa 29.jpgHoa dao.jpg

  • Red silk cotton tree (Bombax ceiba):
    Hoa 11.jpg
    Hoa 16.jpg

  • Some flowers I do not know the name:
    Hoa 15.jpgHoa 20.jpgHoa 10.jpgHoa 7.jpgHoa 2.jpgHoa 3.jpgHoa 1.jpg

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Hey @nguyenkhang, nice post! I've developed a better appreciation for art and photos, so it's nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers

Thank You @exxodus

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