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How is this dish called?

It is Waffle with Nutella!!! :)))

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It looks like delicious cake) I can't imaggine that it was waffles... The decorations is so yummy)))

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

mipos theleis na mas kaneis na zilepsoume? lol

Χαχαχαχαχα... Εννοείτε!!!! :)))
Καλό βράδυ φίλε μου...

super delicious😋😘

Thank you... :))))

Sto kentro, pagoto i santigi? Efhome, pagoto.

To apo-kato, sta Agglika legete Waffle. Mou aresei na to ftiahno (kai ta Amerikanika Pancakes) alla, me to syropi kai to fresko-ktipimeno santigi, einai poli pahintiko - kai akrivo (to Maple Syrup - apo ton Kanada) kostizei, gia mikro mpoukali, giro sta E10 (ftanei gia 3 i 4 waffles...mou aresei me poli syropi :)

santigi einai :))) me mpanana kai noutela..
Alithia iparxei toso akribo siropi??? Popo...
Alla Kai ti egine Mia zoi tin exoume.. kaloperasi xriazete!!! :))

Θέλω και εγώ!!! Αχ και όλα κλειστα τώρα!

lovely cake

thank you!

what?! this is ALL for you? 😆
good luck!

btw why was it difficult?

hahaha!!!! yes it was all mine!!! :))))
good morning!!!

Τι μας δείχνεις βρε Νίκο!!!!!!! Μόλις έφαγα μεσημεριανό και ζητάω γλυκό τώρα. Πάω για επιδρομή στην κουζίνα ..

Έλα Αθήνα κερνάω γλυκό....

Καλά θα ήταν ...