Vehicle photography from our Yukon adventure

in photography •  7 years ago 

For today's challenge I am sharing with you a few vehicle themed photos from our Yukon trip from last summer.


Apparently that is how locals are moving around. Must be nice to own a plane :)


We joined a training run with one of the Yukon quest runners. She is around 70 years old and still competing in a 1000 mile race over snow and ice.


We took a boat ride to the Yukon river source.


On one of the hikes we found few old fords in a small village Champagne. It has 14 people living in it now.

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Hejla 👋🏻 Imam vprašanje ... ne razumem tega treninga s psmi 👀 Tole samo laufajo privezani pred nečim za kondicijo, al dejansko vlečejo (nek avtek). Okej, predvidevam da tale ekipca potem vleče sani, ko je natrenirana 😜 Ful dobre in zanimive fotke. Cooooool 👍🏻

Dejansko vlecejo. 3 osebe in quad. Tako potekajo treningi za dirko ko za sabo vlecejo okrog 80 kg opreme. ko so nazaj doma imajo pa se zmeraj dovolj energije da zacnejo tect v velikih hrckovih kolesih :)


Če se ne motim, je to štirikolesnik ... pa še tri osebe 🤪 ... potem pa še hrčke oponašat 😂 Face so! Izgleda, da imajo res od viška energije ... še men nej jo dajo mal, bi mi prav prišla 😜 Ej, hvala za to, da sem danes izvedela nekaj zelo zanimivega in čisto novega. Pozdravček iz Slo 👋🏻

Oh my @noperope. What a spectacular sky in the top one. Interesting collection of photographs. 😊

Oh you are right about the sky. Yukon has the most breathtaking sky of all the places i have been. Especially at night with countles stars and northern lights if you are lucky enough.

Sounds beautiful @noperope. It's not a place I've been to. I haven't been to Alaska either.So may places still to see. 😊

Great photos! Looks like a good time ❤️

Awesome pictures and the place looks really refreshing....wish i could ride with you