He Likes to Snark

in photography •  7 years ago 


My Nova, snarking like my Nova does. Cosmo taught him well.

This picture was taken when he was talking. Not hissing or growling, just talking. He's an incredibly vocal cat, which makes for a lot of amusing pictures with his mouth open.

Another in the truck pic.

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Can he talk like in words in english?

He can mimic the sounds/syllables of English words. One of his favorite sounds to make sounds like he's saying "moo cow". He also says 'hello', 'food', 'hungry' (he says 'hungry' a lot), 'outside' (another of his favorites), 'play', 'potato', 'no', and he can say the names of three other cats, Cosmo, Tuxie, and Apollo. (Though Tuxie recently passed, and Nova's been saying his name a lot.)

If you talk slowly to him, he likes to imitate the syllables you're saying, and he'll trill and nod his head at you as though he's listening to you and agreeing or just outright conversing with you.

He's an interesting little guy.

He also likes to sing along with music. As in, he'll try to mimic the music (fails a great deal, but you can tell he's trying to sing). He especially does this if you're singing with the music. And for some songs, he'll seem like he's trying to dance, or he'll sit there bopping his head up and down, nodding.

My husband and I both agree that Nova is a lot more like a really smart three year old than a cat.

Wow! did you teach your cat all this? Or was it just natural? I beleive in past lives and I have to say that could be a human soul inside that cat. A very interesting cat! ^^

I taught him a lot of tricks (I listed them on another recent photo) and I did teach him to say a lot of things. I can also tell him to "count to ten" and he'll talk ten times in a row for a treat. I can get him to do up to fifteen, and anywhere between.

But imitating speech overall is just how he is.

I also believe in past lives, but Nova, I really believe that Nova is a young soul. Our kitten Comet, however, feels like an old soul.

Comet just knows and understands too damn much to be a young soul.

Nova's eyes are very analytical, intelligent, wise, and understanding, but that was through learning over the years and from the other cats and animals that've been in his life.

Our cat Tuxie, who recently passed, he was definitely an older soul. In fact, we think he might've been a friend of my grandmother's. Her friend, he always said that when he died he wanted to come back as a cat in our family's household, because the cats are spoiled rotten and very cared for.

There were just...odd similarities between Tuxie and my grandmother's friend. And her friend had been dead for quite some time before Tuxie was born to my uncle's cats.

aww in a way that is sweet that he wanted to come back as a cat. now Tuxie your soppssed Grandmother's friend. How did you get him?

I said in my last reply that he was born to my uncle's cats. He ended up mine after Cosmo (Tuxie's younger brother) lost his best friend and was refusing to eat and wasn't playing anymore (Cosmo was still a very young cat). So I ended up with Tuxie, and Tuxie and Cosmo became the best of friends.

Cosmo's the son of Tuxie's twin brother (except that Tuxie was a black and white tuxedo cat, and Cosmo's dad was a nearly-identical-in-markings ginger tabby tuxedo) and they ended up bonding as close as Tuxie had been to Cosmo's father.

And if you're wondering how I ended up with Cosmo, he was a birthday present when he was a kitten.

I also don't believe that human and animal souls are necessarily different. I think what we may or may not experience life as is sort of just added to a list, something similar to a résumé.

Ok I see born to your uncle's cats. Because if your grandmother's friend wanted to come back as a cat I think she would choose a venue dirctley from you which in this case was your uncle. I tend to agree with that like a cat could become a human this case human became cat.

My grandmother's friend was male, and Tuxie was an intact male.

I originally left him intact because it seemed to keep him from experiencing the urinary issues the rest of his family had, then later hoped to breed him to continue on their family line. I was never able to breed him and I absolutely fucking hate myself for it.