Decorative Vegetable

in photography •  7 years ago 

This is the huge flower of a cardoon aka artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus), kardoen in Dutch. It is a larger cousin of the artichoke:

Olympus Stylus 1s, 42mm, ISO200, f8, 1/60s

Cardoons are edible; the flower buds and the stems are part of several mediterranean cuisines.

The plant is not native to The Netherlands, and it doesn't survive frost well, but this one seemed to be doing fine.

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Beautiful shot.

It certainly has a beautiful blossom!

I like this color

You've exceeded my expectations.

Amazing flowers! I've seen them in castle gardens but have never had the chance to taste one :-)

that is an odd looking flower. more ovee iti s edible.

Great shot! I want those too in my garden! Lekker!

I live 7 miles from the "Artichoke Capital of the World", Castroville, CA. The fields are ripe for harvest right now...YUM!

Your bloom is beautiful...looks like a sea urchin. :)


It does, now that you mention it 8-).