RE: Dolomedes fimbriatus

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Dolomedes fimbriatus

in photography •  7 years ago 

Good shots!

But: Are you sure that is a Dolomedes fimbriatus? They don't make webs, and I have never seen an adult without the stripes, like this one I photographed:

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I´m not sure. It doesn´t look like your spider, it´s very cool.

Do you have an idea?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Still looking ... 8-) Best guess so far is giant house spider (Tegenaria gigantea).

Thanks for your help, looked at some similar giant house spider and it was probably one of them.

Maybe I can ask you if I find another spider that I´m not sure of? You seem to know your spiders?

I'm more into insects, but I do know a spider expert. Guess what his nickname is ...

He's not often available for questions, though, but I can try.

My guess is Spiderman? :P

Ok, I won´t harass him with questions. He must be too busy fighting crime.