Trees are not helpless, they are are more bad ass than they seem. |Baeume sind nicht hilflos, sie haben mehr drauf als es scheint.|

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


Trees fight leaf-eating insects by producing chemicals; Some also send chemical signals to each other by air to warn their nearby fellow trees of an insect attack. Some trees signals also attract predators and parasites that kill the attacking insects. A study has shown that for instance apple trees that were attacked by caterpillars released chemicals which attracted caterpillar-eating birds. OK trees, we know you super power 😉!

|Baeume bekaempfen blaetterfressende Insekten mit Chemikalien; manche senden einander Signale ueber Luft zu, um ihre Nachbarbaeume vor einem Insektenangriff zu warnen. Manche Baeume senden Signale, welche Raubtiere und Parasiten anlocken, die die angreifenden Insekten toeten. Eine Studie hat z. B. Apfelbaeume gezeigt, welche von Raupen angegriffen wurden, woraufhin sie Chemikalien freigesetzt haben, die Raupen fressende Voegel angezogen haben. OK Baeume, wir wissen ueber eure Superkraefte 😉! |


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You have a really good eye for photography.