Color Challenge; Yellow WednesdaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in photography β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 

I saw that everybody posting nice warm photos.

Mine is kind of sour today. But it's also yellow, isn't it?



To bad I didn't zoom those puppies, but you can see them anyway.


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Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Interesting combination @oldtimer! Hope you have a sweeter day than these lemons.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Thanks. Every day above zero is sweeter. Especially when the summer is almost over.


Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

A perfect item for a hot day
lemonade would be nice

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

ahh i love lemonade ...

If life gives you lemons πŸ‹ make a Lemon Vodka ( Famous Swedish Proverb)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

It could become international.

Haha That would be my contribution to Humankind. If it does become international I already made my legacy !

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Cute basket of lemons and some major horse power - great contrasting images. When I was a kid I had a toy truck just like that and I loved it.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Lucky you. We played with rocks and sticks, he, he.

Absolutely amazing.

lemon haze

@oldtimer - Sire, love those lemons & the yellow Wednesday photography skill of your too Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

LoL are those cars full of lemons ? How much lemonade they can make :D

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Probably you can fill the Olympic pool with it, he, he.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Hmm, lemons πŸ‹ It's a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fibre...So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning and enjoy its health benefits.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Good advice.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

Nice photographs of lemon & trucks sir,
Yellow is mine favorite too Its bright colour of positiveness.

Interesting post..In the morning I like drinking lemon and honey in a glass of hot water.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Wow!!! you can make a lot of lemonade with those :)

Na zdravlje!

Haha too cuteπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆwhere are these pups at!? πŸ‹ is my fave tho!! Especially lemon water! So good and super healthy too!!:) keep it up xoxo

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 


Both entreis for Yellow Tuesday are perfect matches! Thanks for sharing such great photography!


Those dump trucks look fun - I love driving big rigs.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Did you ever drive that kind of monster?

Not quite that big, but monsters of similar ilk.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

I've got lemons in my backyard I love to pick! :)

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

One for you- zero for me.

hahah thank you! Here have a watermelon instead! πŸ‰

Nice photos I like second one you are searching for yellow very hard.

Sweet :)).....Sour lemons !!!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 


Nice combination @oldtimer Yep really your's is sour and yellow.

extreemly yellow bright color

Lemons are good, though sour :)

Well hey both of those are definitely yellow! Solid photo's!

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Great vibrant coloured shot ;) wonderful click

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

awesome @oldtimer especial color , thank you for sharing

amigo #resteemia at your service

impressive photography for yellow Wednesday. nice work @oldtimer

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